当前的 Python 工作流程
我将pip、Distribute、virtualenv和virtualenvwrapper安装到我的 Python 2.7 站点包(Mac OS X 上安装的 Python 框架)中。在我~/.bash_profile
export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=$HOME/.pip_download_cache
$ mkvirtualenv pip-test
$ pip install nose # downloaded and installed from PyPi
$ pip install mock # downloaded and installed from PyPi
$ mkvirtualenv pip-test2
$ pip install nose # installed from pip's download cache
$ pip install mock # installed from pip's download cache
由于我没有下载以前安装在另一个 virtualenv 中的软件包,因此此工作流程可以节省时间和带宽。但是,它不会节省磁盘空间,因为每个包都将安装到每个 virtualenv 中。因此,我想知道:
- 问题 #1是否对此工作流程进行了修改,允许我通过让多个 virtualenvs 引用一个未安装在我的 Python 2.7 站点包中的 Python 包来节省磁盘空间?
我试过使用add2virtualenv,它是 virtualenvwrapper 的一部分。虽然这“将指定的目录添加到当前活动的 virtualenv 的 Python 路径中”,但它不会添加在virtualenv/bin
$ mkvirtualenv pip-test3
$ add2virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/pip-test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/
$ nosetests # Fails since missing ~/.virtualenvs/pip-test3/bin/nosetests
- 问题 #2我是否遗漏了有关
工作方式的某些内容? - Question #1 Rephrased Is there a better method than add2virtualenv that allows multiple virtualenvs to reference one Python package that is not installed in my Python 2.7 site-packages?
- Question #3 If there is a method to install a shared Python package into multiple virtualenvs, is there a performance penalty that isn't there compared to installing Python packages separately into each virtualenv?
- Question #4 Should I just give up on conserving disk space and stick with my current workflow?