I have downloaded AWS IoT Android samples from here. I successfully run AndroidPubSub example given in above list. I can connect and subscribe. But message which I am publishing is not updating device shadow I have on AWS. Even when I update shadow on AWS console message not came on android device. I am missing something very small somewhere or am doing completely wrong?
1554 次
2 回答
It was my mistake. Non of the document about android AWS IoT mentioned about it. While publishing message to topic we should mention complete topic string available in AWS console. i.e.
Now adding complete string as topic I am able to publish message to AWS IoT. To receive updates on android device subscribe to /update/accepted.
于 2016-04-29T07:35:34.387 回答
I was facing the same issue and then have added iot full access policy ,then it starts working.
于 2018-05-16T07:22:41.120 回答