我使用 gcc 5.2.0 和 6.1.0 的以下代码出现分段错误。
module a_module
implicit none
type :: a
character(len=16) :: name = "none"
final:: destroy_a
end type a
subroutine destroy_a(this)
type(a), intent(inout) :: this
print *, "destroying a: ", this%name, loc(this)
end subroutine destroy_a
end module a_module
module b_module
use a_module
implicit none
type :: b
character(len=16) :: name = "none"
type(a) :: object_a
final :: destroy_b
end type b
subroutine destroy_b (this)
type(b), intent(inout) :: this
print *, "destroying b: ", this%name, loc(this)
end subroutine destroy_b
end module b_module
module c_module
use b_module
implicit none
type :: c
character(len=16) :: name = "none"
type(b) :: object_b(2)
final :: destroy_c
end type c
subroutine destroy_c(this)
type(c), intent(inout) :: this
print *, "destroying c: ", this%name, loc(this)
end subroutine destroy_c
end module c_module
program main
use c_module
implicit none
call f ()
subroutine f()
type(c) :: x
x%name = "object c"
x%object_b(1)%name = "Object B(1)"
x%object_b(1)%object_a%name = "object b(1)%a"
x%object_b(2)%name = "object b(2)"
x%object_b(2)%object_a%name = "object b(2)%a"
print *, 'loc of c ', loc(x)
print *, 'loc of b(1) ', loc(x%object_b(1))
print *, 'loc of b(1)%a', loc(x%object_b(1)%object_a)
print *, 'loc of b(2) ', loc(x%object_b(2))
print *, 'loc of b(2)%a', loc(x%object_b(2)%object_a)
end subroutine f
end program main
loc of c 140733747692976
loc of b(1) 140733747692992
loc of b(1)%a 140733747693008
loc of b(2) 140733747693024
loc of b(2)%a 140733747693040
destroying c: object c 140733747692976
destroying a: object b(1)%a 140733747693008
Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory
loc of c 140737488319232
loc of b(1) 140737488319248
loc of b(1)%a 140737488319264
loc of b(2) 140737488319280
loc of b(2)%a 140737488319296
destroying c: object c 140737488319232
destroying a: object b(1)%a 140737488319264
destroying a: object b(2)%a 140737488319296
为什么不调用 b 类型的析构函数?