嗨,我进入了一个应该有高级搜索过滤器的 homefinder 项目。它应该有 3 个下拉列表,用户可以从中选择租金金额、位置和性别类型,或者用户也可以不选择任何因为它具有默认值“ALL”,这会导致显示存储在数据库中的所有房屋,但如果用户从下拉列表中选择一个或两个值,另一个默认值为“ALL”,或者三个都有值,它应该导致它们的并集。我尝试使用 if 语句
If (combobox1.text == "ALL" && combobox2.text == "ALL" && combobox3.text == "ALL")
// shows all the homes
else if ( combobox1.text != "ALL" && combobox2.text == "ALL" && combobox3.text == "ALL")
// say combobox1 is rent amount, shows all the homes having that rent amount
else if (combobox1.text == "ALL" && combobox2.text != "ALL" && combobox3.text == "ALL")
// say combobox2 is gender type shows all the homes having that gender category
if (combox2.text == "Female")
// all homes w "female"
// all homes w male
else if ( combobox1.text == "ALL" && combobox2.text == "ALL" && combobox3.text != "ALL")
// say combobox3 is location, shows all homes in that location
else if ( combobox1.text != "ALL" && combobox2.text != "ALL" && combobox3.text != "ALL")
else if ( combobox1.text != "ALL" && combobox2.text != "ALL" && combobox3.text == "ALL")
等等,这是我迄今为止想到的代码:l 我怎样才能使它们相交。比如如果我在rentamount 下选择500,在location 下选择1st Street,我怎样才能找到位于1st Street 的租金为500 的房屋?