
data DialogConfig t m b e =
  DialogConfig { _dialogConfig_title :: Dynamic t T.Text
               , _dialogConfig_content :: b -> m (Dynamic t (Maybe b))
               , _dialogConfig_footer :: Dynamic t (Maybe b) -> m (Event t e)
dialog :: MonadWidget t m =>
           DialogConfig t m b e -> Event t b -> m (Event t (DialogEvent e))

我想使用某种“默认”实例来初始化DialogConfigdialog函数,以便可以将其用作例如defaultConfig{_dialogConfig_content=content}. 但是,我正在与类型推断作斗争。这有效:

confirmDialog :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m =>
                 T.Text -> Event t T.Text -> m (Event t ())
evt <- dialog
         (DialogConfig { _dialogConfig_title = constDyn title
                       , _dialogConfig_content = content
                       , _dialogConfig_footer = buttons}
                       ) contentEvt


evt <- dialog
      (DialogConfig { _dialogConfig_title = constDyn mempty
                    , _dialogConfig_content = const $ return $ constDyn Nothing
                    , _dialogConfig_footer = const $ return never }
                    { _dialogConfig_title = constDyn title
                    , _dialogConfig_content = content
                    , _dialogConfig_footer = buttons}
                    ) contentEvt


Could not deduce (Reflex t0) arising from a use of ‘constDyn’ from the context (MonadWidget t m)
Could not deduce (Monad t1) arising from a use of ‘return’ from the context (MonadWidget t m)

我可以在as中使用ScopedTypeVariables并键入默认配置,这样就可以了,但是即使没有它,它也不应该工作吗?在我看来,这些类型相当明确。confirmDialogDialogConfig t m a b


1 回答 1


正如评论中提到的,问题在于记录更新可以改变记录的类型(起初可能会令人惊讶)。这是 GHCi 中的一个测试:

> data T a = T { tA :: a }
> let x = T "foo"
> :t x
x :: T [Char]
> :t x { tA = True }
x { tA = True } :: T Bool


> let def :: Read a => T a ; def = T (read "True")
> :t def :: T Bool
def :: T Bool :: T Bool
> :t def { tA = 5 }
   Could not deduce (Read t0) arising from a use of ‘def’
   The type variable ‘t0’ is ambiguous


一个可能的解决方案可能是通过要求T a -> T a延续函数来强制更新具有相同的类型。

> let defF :: Read a => (T a -> T a) -> T a ; defF f = f (T (read "True"))
> :t defF (\d -> d { tA = False })
defF (\d -> d { tA = False }) :: T Bool



于 2016-04-27T09:02:04.923 回答