env.GLOBAL_BUILD_ABORTED = false // Set if the user aborts the build
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('First Stage') {
when { expression { env.GLOBAL_BUILD_ABORTED.toBoolean() == false } }
steps {
catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
myLocalBuildMethod('Stage #1, build #1')
myLocalBuildMethod('Stage #1, build #2')
stage('Second Stage') {
when { expression { env.GLOBAL_BUILD_ABORTED.toBoolean() == false } }
steps {
catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
myLocalBuildMethod('Stage #2, build #1')
myLocalBuildMethod('Stage #2, build #2')
myLocalBuildMethod('Stage #2, build #3')
def myLocalBuildMethod(myString) {
/* Dummy method to show User Aborts vs Build Failures */
echo "My Local Build Method: " + myString
try {
build (
job: "Dummy_Downstream_Job"
} catch (e) {
/* Build Aborted by user - Stop All Test Executions */
if (e.getMessage().contains("was cancelled") || e.getMessage().contains("ABORTED")) {
/* Throw the execiption to be caught by catchError() to mark the stage failed. */
throw (e)
// Do other stuff...