我在 Eclipse 上与 glassfish 战斗了 2 天,但我仍然无法运行我的服务器。当我尝试启动我的服务器时,(加载)进度条挂在 69% 并获得如下消息:

1. [启动,同步](顺便说一句。在 Web 浏览器中服务器仅工作几秒钟,但仍然看不到 index.html。它显示 GlassFish 服务器的默认页面,并显示消息Your server is now running和然后 localhost 不想再响应了)
2. [停止]

而且我无法实现服务器状态:[Started, synchronized]
Btw。我使用的是 Tomcat 服务器,启动它没有问题。

Windows 7 x64
Eclipse Kepler
JDK 1.8
JRE 1.8
GlassFish 4.0 - 我使用 Eclipse 下载的


Running GlassFish Version: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition  4.0  (build 89)
Server log file is using Formatter class: com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.ODLLogFormatter
SEC1115: Realm [admin-realm] of classtype [com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.file.FileRealm] successfully created.
SEC1115: Realm [file] of classtype [com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.file.FileRealm] successfully created.
SEC1115: Realm [certificate] of classtype [com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.certificate.CertificateRealm] successfully created.
Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 60ms - bound to [/�080]
Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 0ms - bound to [/�181]
Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 0ms - bound to [/�848]
Authorization Service has successfully initialized.
Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 0ms - bound to [/�700]
Registered org.glassfish.ha.store.adapter.cache.ShoalBackingStoreProxy for persistence-type = replicated in BackingStoreFactoryRegistry
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition  4.0  (89) startup time : Felix (1�824ms), startup services(940ms), total(2�764ms)
HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.0.0.Final
Initiating Jersey application, version Jersey: 2.0 2013-05-03 14:50:15...
Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 0ms - bound to [/�676]
Registered com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.EmbeddedOSGiGlassFishImpl@13dbed9e as OSGi service registration: org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistrationImpl@41da3aee.
JMXStartupService has started JMXConnector on JMXService URL service:jmx:rmi://Risen-Komputer:8686/jndi/rmi://Risen-Komputer:8686/jmxrmi

我该怎么做才能在 Eclipse Kepler IDE 上盯着我的 GlassFish?


1 回答 1


这是用于 Eclipse 的 GlassFish 工具的一个已知错误。

Payara(源自 GlassFish)的 GitHub 存储库上有一个未解决的问题,适用于 Mac OS X 和 Windows: https ://github.com/payara/Payara/issues/370


手动完成所有操作(从命令行启动/停止/部署 GF),然后通过远程调试器附加 Eclipse

于 2016-04-25T13:52:11.900 回答