我想让我的乌龟移动到某个补丁并制作一个“斑点”。中心补丁 = 我的海龟位置,可以随机选择,但要满足两个条件:
- 必须与海龟的实际位置保持一定距离
- 必须被具有特定质量的补丁包围(一定半径内的邻居)
to go
ask turtles [
; select one of patches in specific distance, and
; surrounded by patches with no magenta color
let aaa one-of patches with [distance myself > 3 and
all? neighbors with [pcolor != magenta]]
; how to write this condition above ??
; and how replace "neighbors" by "in-radius"??
move-to aaa
ask neighbors [ ; create clump of magenta patches
set pcolor magenta ]
ask patch-here [ ; set central patch to magenta
set pcolor magenta ]