我将几个具有 n 个顶点、m 个边和 S 属性的图写入文件。现在我需要通过 Boost 图形库从 Graphviz DOT 文件中读取这些未知数量的图形。如何读取这些未知数量的顶点、边缘和属性数量未知的图?这是保存图表的文件。提前谢谢你!

digraph G {
0[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=0, ]
1[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=1, ]
2[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=2, Attribute2=2, ]
3[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=2, ]
4[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=0, ]
5[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=1, ]
6[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=2, ]
7[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=0, ]
8[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=1, ]
9[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=1, ]
0->4  [label="(0,4)"]
3->7  [label="(3,7)"]
5->6  [label="(5,6)"]
6->1  [label="(6,1)"]
9->5  [label="(9,5)"]

digraph G {
0[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=1, ]
1[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=1, ]
2[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=2, Attribute2=1, ]
3[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=2, Attribute2=2, ]
4[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=2, Attribute2=1, ]
5[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=0, ]
6[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=2, ]
7[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=2, Attribute2=2, ]
8[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=0, ]
9[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=2, Attribute2=0, ]
0->4  [label="(0,4)"]
3->6  [label="(3,6)"]
6->9  [label="(6,9)"]
9->1  [label="(9,1)"]
9->1  [label="(9,1)"]

digraph G {
0[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=2, ]
1[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=2, ]
2[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=1, ]
3[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=2, Attribute2=2, ]
4[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=2, ]
5[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=2, ]
6[Attribute0=2, Attribute1=0, Attribute2=1, ]
7[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=2, Attribute2=1, ]
8[Attribute0=1, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=0, ]
9[Attribute0=0, Attribute1=1, Attribute2=2, ]
1->1  [label="(1,1)"]
4->8  [label="(4,8)"]
5->8  [label="(5,8)"]
5->1  [label="(5,1)"]
8->1  [label="(8,1)"]

这是将具有 n 个顶点、m 个边和 S 属性的多个图写入文件的程序:

    int const S=3; // number of attributes for each graph
    int const N=10;// number of vertex
    int const m=5;//number of edges
    int const SIZE=3;// number of graphs
    struct Attributes

      int Attribute0[S];


    struct EdgeAttributes
      string name;
      double miles;
      int speed_limit;
      int lanes;
      bool divided;

    typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS,
    Attributes, EdgeAttributes> Map;

    void outputgraph(Map&);
      Map * ggg= new Map[SIZE] ;
    int main()
        Map map; // load the map
        bool inserted;

        Map::vertex_descriptor v ;

        for(int k=0; k<SIZE; k++)
     for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
         v= add_vertex(ggg[k]);
         for(int i=0; i<S; i++)

      ggg[k][v].Attribute0[i]=0 + (int)3 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1);


         Map::edge_descriptor e;

         for(int k=0; k<SIZE; k++)
         for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
        tie(e,inserted) = add_edge(N * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1), N * rand()     /     (RAND_MAX + 1), ggg[k]);


        std::cout << std::endl;

        int d;

    struct my_node_writer {
        // my_node_writer() {}
        my_node_writer(Map& g_) : g (g_) {};
        template <class Vertex>
        void operator()(std::ostream& out, Vertex v) {
            out << "[";
             for(int i=0; i<S; i++)
                out <<"Attribute"<<i<<"="<<g[v].Attribute0[i]<<", ";
             out<<"]" << std::endl;

        Map g;

    struct my_edge_writer {
        my_edge_writer(Map& g_) : g (g_) {};
        template <class Edge>
        void operator()(std::ostream& out, Edge e) {
                // just an example, showing that local options override     global

                out << " [label=\"" << e  << "\"]" << std::endl;
        Map g;

    struct my_graph_writer {
        void operator()(std::ostream& out) const {

    } myGraphWrite;

    void outputgraph(Map& map){
        std::ofstream gout;
        for(int i=0; i<S; i++)
        // std::cout() << "done writing graph" << std::endl;

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