这是我的 txtProductQuantity_TextChange 的全部代码:
protected void txtProductQuantity_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox txtQuantity = (sender as TextBox);
//int tempForTryParse = 0;
//if (!int.TryParse(txtQuantity.Text, out tempForTryParse))
// txtQuantity.Text = txtQuantity.Text.Substring(0, txtQuantity.Text.Length - 1);
DataListItem currentItem = (sender as TextBox).NamingContainer as DataListItem; // getting current item on where user wants to add or remove
HiddenField ProductID = currentItem.FindControl("hfProductID") as HiddenField;
Label lblAvailableStock = currentItem.FindControl("lblAvailableStock") as Label;
int tempInt = 0;
if (txtQuantity.Text == string.Empty || txtQuantity.Text == "0" || txtQuantity.Text == "1" || double.Parse(txtQuantity.Text) < 0 || !int.TryParse(txtQuantity.Text, out tempInt))
txtQuantity.Text = "1"; //default value is 1, no action
if (Session["MyCart"] != null) // not null means user has added a product in the shopping cart
if (Convert.ToInt32(txtQuantity.Text) <= Convert.ToInt32(lblAvailableStock.Text)) // check if quantity is greater than available stock
DataTable dt = (DataTable)Session["MyCart"]; // if quantity is less than the available stock, go inside the code
DataRow[] rows = dt.Select("ProductID = '" + ProductID.Value + "'"); // select specific row depending on the product id
int index = dt.Rows.IndexOf(rows[0]);
dt.Rows[index]["ProductQuantity"] = txtQuantity.Text; // putting the value in the txtQuantityTextbox. changing the product quantity in the data table
Session["MyCart"] = dt; // add updated value to datatable
else // error if quntity is greater than available stock
lblAvailableStockAlert.Text = " Alert: product buyout should not be more than the available stock!";
txtQuantity.Text = "1"; // automatically change the quantity back to 1.