我将 ejabberd 作为我的 xmpp 服务器,这是我的 php 代码:
$stripped = strip_tags($returnTwo); // remove the xml tags from the response stanza
$decoded = base64_decode($stripped); // decode the jibberish
$regex = "([0-9]{8,})"; // create regex to extract the nonce
preg_match($regex, $decoded, $noncearr); // extracts nonce
$nonce = $noncearr[0]; // finally, we can put the nonce into a variable to continue...
// 1. Create a string of the form "username:realm:password". Call this string X.
$x = "username:server.dyndns.org:password";
// 2. Compute the 16 octet MD5 hash of X. Call the result Y.
$y = md5($x);
// 3. Create a string of the form "Y:nonce:cnonce:authzid". Call this string A1.
$a = "$y:$nonce:$cnonce:username@server.dyndns.org/webchat";
// 4. Create a string of the form "AUTHENTICATE:digest-uri". Call this string A2.
$a2 = "AUTHENTICATE:xmpp/server.dyndns.org";
// 5. Compute the 32 hex digit MD5 hash of A1. Call the result HA1.
$ha1 = md5($a1);
// 6. Compute the 32 hex digit MD5 hash of A2. Call the result HA2.
$ha2 = md5($a2);
// 7. Create a string of the form "HA1:nonce:nc:cnonce:qop:HA2". Call this string KD.
$kd = "$ha1:$nonce:00000001:$cnonce:auth:$ha2";
// 8. Compute the 32 hex digit MD5 hash of KD. Call the result Z.
$z = md5($kd);
$b64z = base64_encode($z);
$respond = "<response xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>$b64z</response>";
// initialize curl again
$sendThree = curl_init("http://localhost:5280/http-bind");
curl_setopt($sendThree, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($sendThree, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $respond);
$returnThree = curl_exec($sendThree);
curl_close($sendThree); // close the curl connection
我的问题是服务器返回一个“1”。就是这样,没有接受,没有错误,只是一个数字 1。这之前的步骤都返回了预期的结果,但这部分我遇到了麻烦。我是 php 新手(这只是我用它创建的第二个页面)所以我想知道我是否正确遵循了 SASL 步骤,或者它是否是 ejabberd 的问题?