

虽然我在数据库开发方面有很多经验,但我很难在 Core Data 中概念化链接关系。据我了解,许多关系是一个附加到一个文件的 NSSet。阅读文档后,我已经理解了其中的一部分,并使其在下面代码的第一次导入中工作。

我有一个数据模型,我使用 XMLParser 在其中执行两个单独的导入。第一次导入从同一个导入中的同一个 XML 文件加载事件和类别,如下所示:

if (thisTagIsForOneTable) {
            // Insert object for the one-entity (Events)
    self.eventsObject = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Events" inManagedObjectContext:xmlManagedObjectContext];

if (thisTagIsForManyTable) {
            // Insert object for many-entity (EventCategories)
    self.categoriesObject = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"EventCategories" inManagedObjectContext:xmlManagedObjectContext];

    // Set attribute values depending upon whether the tag is for the one-entity or the many-entity.
[self.xxxObject setValue:trimmedString forKey:attributeName];

    // Set the relationship. This works great!
if (thisTagIsForManyTable) {
    NSMutableSet *manyRecordSet = [self.eventsObject  mutableSetValueForKey:@"categories"]; // My relationship name.
    [manyRecordSet addObject:self.categoriesObject];


    // Save the context. Voila.

以上工作正常。第二个导入在应用程序的不同部分分别加载 EventLocations,因此我需要将其设置为与事件的一对一关系。这是我不太确定的地方。步骤应该是?

// Step A) Create (insert) new EventLocations object.
    self.eventLocationsObject = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"EventLocations" inManagedObjectContext:xmlManagedObjectContext];

    // Step B) Locate and get a reference to the the related one-entity's object (Events) by ID?  I have a custom class for Events. 
   // This seems to work but I'm taking a performance hit and getting a compiler warning below. The method returnObjectForEntity does a query and returns an NSManagedObject. Is this correct?
    Events *event = (Events *)[self returnObjectForEntity:@"Events" withID:[oneRecordObject valueForKey:@"infIDCode"]];

    // Step C) Set the relationship to the Events entity. 
if (event) {

    [event addLocationsObject:self.eventLocationsObject];

        // Compiler warning: incompatible Objective-C types 'struct NSManagedObject *', expected 'struct EventLocations *' when passing argument 1 of 'addLocationsObject:' from distinct Objective-C type

    // Save the context.

我不太确定步骤 B 和 C。任何帮助将不胜感激。谢谢。


1 回答 1


步骤 B:请告诉我们编译器警告。为了加快速度,您可以在开始导入之前创建一个缓存(NSDictionary),其中包含所有事件及其@“infIDCode”作为键。只要您可以确保在导入阶段没有添加/删除/更改任何事件,这将加快速度。

步骤 C:self.eventLocationsObject 可能应该被声明为 EventLocations*。


于 2010-09-09T05:13:23.590 回答