在使用 R 进行文本挖掘时,在对文本数据进行再处理后,我们需要创建一个文档术语矩阵以进行进一步探索。但是和中文类似,英文也有一些特定的阶段,例如“语义距离”,“机器学习”,如果将它们分割成单词,它的含义就完全不同了,我想知道如何将文档分割成阶段而不是词(词)。


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您可以使用quanteda包在 R 中执行此操作,它可以将多词表达式检测为统计搭配,这可能是您在英语中所指的多词表达式。要删除包含停用词的搭配,您首先要对文本进行标记,然后删除停用词,留下一个“填充”以防止结果中出现错误的邻接(在去除它们之间的停用词之前实际上并不相邻的两个词)。


pres_tokens <- 
    tokens(data_corpus_inaugural) %>%
    tokens_remove("\\p{P}", padding = TRUE, valuetype = "regex") %>%   
    tokens_remove(stopwords("english"), padding = TRUE)

pres_collocations <- textstat_collocations(pres_tokens, size = 2)

#          collocation count count_nested length   lambda        z
# 1      united states   157            0      2 7.893307 41.19459
# 2             let us    97            0      2 6.291128 36.15520
# 3    fellow citizens    78            0      2 7.963336 32.93813
# 4    american people    40            0      2 4.426552 23.45052
# 5          years ago    26            0      2 7.896626 23.26935
# 6 federal government    32            0      2 5.312702 21.80328

# convert the corpus collocations into single tokens, for top 1,500 collocations
pres_compounded_tokens <- tokens_compound(pres_tokens, pres_collocations[1:1500])

tokens_select(pres_compounded_tokens[2], "*_*")
# tokens from 1 document.
# 1793-Washington :
# [1] "called_upon"    "shall_endeavor" "high_sense"     "official_act"  


pres_dfm <- dfm(pres_compounded_tokens)
head(pres_dfm[1:5, grep("united|states", featnames(pres_dfm))])
# Document-feature matrix of: 5 documents, 10 features (86% sparse).
# 5 x 10 sparse Matrix of class "dfm"
#                  features
# docs              united states statesmen statesmanship reunited unitedly devastates statesman confederated_states united_action
#   1789-Washington      4      2         0             0        0        0          0         0                   0             0
#   1793-Washington      1      0         0             0        0        0          0         0                   0             0
#   1797-Adams           3      9         0             0        0        0          0         0                   0             0
#   1801-Jefferson       0      0         0             0        0        0          0         0                   0             0
#   1805-Jefferson       1      4         0             0        0        0          0         0                   0             0

如果您想要一种更蛮力的方法,可以通过这种方式简单地创建一个文档-by-bigram 矩阵:

# just form all bigrams
head(dfm(data_inaugural_corpus, ngrams = 2))
## Document-feature matrix of: 57 documents, 63,866 features.
## (showing first 6 documents and first 6 features)
##                  features
## docs              fellow-citizens_of of_the the_senate senate_and and_of the_house
##   1789-Washington                  1     20          1          1      2         2
##   1797-Adams                       0     29          0          0      2         0
##   1793-Washington                  0      4          0          0      1         0
##   1801-Jefferson                   0     28          0          0      3         0
##   1805-Jefferson                   0     17          0          0      1         0
##   1809-Madison                     0     20          0          0      2         0
于 2016-04-18T21:03:42.523 回答