我正在尝试运行教授为我们提供的用于 64 位汇编的测试程序,但它不能正常工作。

错误是:错误 LNK2017:“ADDR32”重定位到“自然”无效,没有 /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO 致命错误 LNK1165:链接因修复错误而失败


; no need for .386, .586, .MODEL directives in 64-bit programs


sentence BYTE "Now is the winter of our discontent", 0h
firstWord BYTE 20 DUP (?)
space BYTE ' '

naturals QWORD 10 DUP (?)
sum QWORD ?


main proc

    ; test out our getFirstWord procedure

    ; the second argument
    mov rax, offset firstWord
    push rax

    ; the first argument
    mov rax, offset sentence
    push rax

    call getFirstWord

    ; initialize our 'naturals' array
    mov rcx, 1
    mov rdi, 0


    mov naturals[rdi*8], rcx

    inc rcx

    cmp rcx, 10
    jg initializationComplete

    inc rdi

    jmp nextNumber


    ; test out our sumArray procedure

    ; second argument (number of elements in array)
    mov rax, 10
    push rax

    ; first argument (array address, alternative to offset)

    lea rax, naturals
    push rax

    call sumArray

    ; store the result in memory
    mov sum, rax

    ; exit

    mov rax, 0

main endp

getFirstWord proc

    ;pop rax ; address of sentence
    ;pop rbx ; address of firstWord

    mov rax, [esp+8]
    mov rbx, [esp+16]
    mov rcx, 0
    mov cl, [space]

    cmp [rax], byte ptr 0   ; check for a null-terminator in the sentence
    je allDone

    cmp cl, [rax] ; check for a space in the sentence
    je nullTerminate

    mov dl, [rax] ; copy the current character
    mov [rbx], dl

    inc rax
    inc rbx

    jmp nextCharacter


    inc rbx
    mov byte ptr [rbx], 0


    ret 16

getFirstWord endp

sumArray proc

    ; get the address of the array
    mov rax, [rsp+8]

    ; get the number of elements in the array
    mov rcx, [rsp+16]

    xor rbx, rbx  ; initialize sum to zero
    xor rsi, rsi  ; initialize counter to zero

    add rbx, [rax]
    add rax, 8

    inc rsi

    cmp rsi, rcx
    je finishedSum

    jmp nextArrayElement


    mov rax, rbx

    ret 16

sumArray endp


我尝试将 LARGEADDRESSAWARE 设置为 NO,程序将编译和构建,但没有输出。是否假设没有任何输出,它只需要运行?还是那个设置搞砸了?我也尝试改变自然的移动方式,但唯一有效的是改变地址设置。


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