I'm using Spring Data Redis. In Redis the basic data models are

job: Hash that contains a job's data.

queue: List that contains job ids serving as a queue.

New job will be saved in job hash and it will be pushed to queue. We have multiple worker clients pooling the queue to consume new job id by popping the id and read details from hash.

Now I'm trying to work out a new feature that certain worker can only consume certain jobs, based on some flags within job data. The problem is worker will only know if it can consume the job after reading its details, but not at the moment of taking the id from the queue.

I originally thought I can put this sequence of operations into a transaction,

  1. Peek the queue.
  2. Read job details from hash and check if consumable.
  3. If yes, take its id from queue, otherwise do nothing.

However this kind of transaction involves both queue and hash data. After reading Redis's transaction support I'm not sure if this is achievable. Please help to advise what approach should I take.


2 回答 2



  1. 将您现有的队列维护为通用输入队列,并拥有一个轻量级分类类型的工作程序(一个可能就足够了,但您可以有更多的冗余)从此队列中弹出项目,使用阻塞弹出来避免轮询,并基于您的作业分配逻辑将新项目推送到每个工作类型的单独队列中

  2. 创建多个工作人员,每个工作人员从自己的工作人员类型队列中进行阻塞弹出


它可能不适合生产使用,但您可能对Disque感兴趣,这是一个内存分布式作业队列,由与 Redis 同一作者创建(并基于 Redis 代码)。

于 2016-04-15T14:50:20.987 回答

Redis 事务与关系数据库事务略有不同,因为它们被更好地描述为条件批处理。事务是发出命令时的一堆QUEUED命令。一旦你EXEC使用事务,命令就会被执行,命令响应会在命令的响应中返回EXEC



于 2016-04-15T06:05:17.497 回答