由于您将在多用户更新环境中工作,因此您需要确保与其他用户没有冲突。最安全的方法是使用 TRANSACTION。
接下来,您需要决定如何以及何时对您的两个表进行更新。让我们使用“选项 1”,即用户在完成后单击的按钮。当他们单击按钮时,您需要调用以下子例程。您还应该跟踪用户是否对子表单进行了任何更改,但忘记单击“保存”按钮。
然后我强烈建议跟踪您所做的更改。例如,用户输入 qty of 5,保存更改。明天,查看数据,看到 5 并想将其更改为 6……这将破坏真实库存。一种防止方法是为订单行项目设置一个“标志”,指示它们已被处理并防止再次更新。
查找其中带有## 的注释......修复代码以使用您的控件名称。
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' BeginTrans, CommitTrans, Rollback Methods Example
' After the BeginTrans method starts a transaction that isolates all the changes made,
' the CommitTrans method saves the changes.
' Notice that you can use the Rollback method to undo changes that you saved using
' the Update method. Furthermore, the main transaction is nested within another transaction
' that automatically rolls back any changes made by the user during this example.
' One or more table pages remain locked while the user decides whether or not to accept the changes.
' For this reason, make sure you only execute the transaction on some event - don't allow a user
' to be interactive, else he may go to lunch and may lock pages someone else needs!
' Add to: Receiving_Amount: ID(again autonumber), Item#, Amount, PONum
' Subtract from: Materials_Used: ID(just an Autonumber field), Project, Item#, Amount
Sub BeginTransX_Update_Inventory()
On Error GoTo Error_trap
Dim wrkDefault As DAO.Workspace
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tblInput As DAO.recordSet
Dim tblItems As DAO.recordSet
'Dim tblMaterials As DAO.recordSet
' Get default Workspace.
Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set dbs = CurrentDb
' ## Change the following line to use the name of the form control that has your PONum
Set tblInput = dbs.OpenRecordset("select * from MaterialsRec where PONum = " & Me.txtPONum & ";") '<<< This will be the source of your changes. Can use a query to filter exact rows.
' Start transaction.
Do While Not tblInput.EOF
Set tblItems = dbs.OpenRecordset("select * from [Items] where [Item#] = " & tblInput![item] & ";") ' <<< This will be where the updates are applied.
' Increase Qty on Hand
tblItems![Qty on Hand] = tblItems![Qty on Hand] + tblInput!Amount
'## Add a text field named 'ProcStatus' to table MaterialsRec, or delete the following update ... your choice...
tblInput!ProcStatus = "updated"
' You can remove the following code if desired...
' Ask if the user wants to commit to all the changes made above.
If MsgBox("Save changes?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
End If
Set tblItems = Nothing
'Set tblMaterials = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
Set wrkDefault = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An error was encountered, but all changes were rolled back." & vbCrLf & _
"Err: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
"Desc: " & Err.Description
End Sub