#branchID pool
branch0 = "This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text."
branch1 = "This is a second wall of text."
branch2 = "This is a third wall of text."
#classes section
#pulls text from pools above.
branch = (name, branchid)->
stringID = String(branchid)
document.write("<h1 id=\'#{stringID}\'>#{name}</h1>")
document.getElementById(stringID).onclick = ->
#This is where the game goes. It will be built with conditionals
window.onload = ->
branch('Start', branch0)
我正在使用 CoffeeScript 创建一个基于浏览器的“选择你自己的冒险”游戏。以上是我到目前为止的代码。它创建一个 HTML 元素,当点击时,一串文本会以一个巨大的块写入页面。