. 例如,如果有一个类似 的序列#read #write #add #write
。每次,我都会读取两个字符并比较它们,但会像以前一样保持分数矩阵。这是我在 C# 中用于smith-waterman字符串对齐的代码。
private void alignment()
string strSeq1;
string strSeq2;
string strTemp1;
string strTemp2;
scoreMatrix = new int[Log.Length, Log.Length];
// Lists That Holds Alignments
List<char> SeqAlign1 = new List<char>();
List<char> SeqAlign2 = new List<char>();
for (int i = 0; i<Log.Length; i++ )
for (int j=i+1 ; j<Log.Length; j++)
strSeq1 = "--" + logFile.Sequence(i);
strSeq2 = "--" + logFile.Sequence(j);
//prepare Matrix for Computing optimal alignment
Cell[,] Matrix = DynamicProgramming.Intialization_Step(strSeq1, strSeq2, intSim, intNonsim, intGap);
// Trace back matrix from end cell that contains max score
DynamicProgramming.Traceback_Step(Matrix, strSeq1, strSeq2, SeqAlign1, SeqAlign2);
this.scoreMatrix[i, j] = DynamicProgramming.intMaxScore;
strTemp1 = Reverse(string.Join("", SeqAlign1));
strTemp2 = Reverse(string.Join("", SeqAlign2));
class DynamicProgramming
public static Cell[,] Intialization_Step(string Seq1, string Seq2,int Sim,int NonSimilar,int Gap)
int M = Seq1.Length / 2 ;//Length+1//-AAA //Changed: /2
int N = Seq2.Length / 2 ;//Length+1//-AAA
Cell[,] Matrix = new Cell[N, M];
//Intialize the first Row With Gap Penality Equal To Zero
for (int i = 0; i < Matrix.GetLength(1); i++)
Matrix[0, i] = new Cell(0, i, 0);
//Intialize the first Column With Gap Penality Equal To Zero
for (int i = 0; i < Matrix.GetLength(0); i++)
Matrix[i, 0] = new Cell(i, 0, 0);
// Fill Matrix with each cell has a value result from method Get_Max
for (int j = 1; j < Matrix.GetLength(0); j++)
for (int i = 1; i < Matrix.GetLength(1); i++)
Matrix[j, i] = Get_Max(i, j, Seq1, Seq2, Matrix,Sim,NonSimilar,Gap);
return Matrix;
public static Cell Get_Max(int i, int j, string Seq1, string Seq2, Cell[,] Matrix,int Similar,int NonSimilar,int GapPenality)
Cell Temp = new Cell();
int intDiagonal_score;
int intUp_Score;
int intLeft_Score;
int Gap = GapPenality;
//string temp1, temp2;
//temp1 = Seq1[i*2].ToString() + Seq1[i*2 + 1]; temp2 = Seq2[j*2] + Seq2[j*2 + 1].ToString();
if ((Seq1[i * 2] + Seq1[i * 2 + 1]) == (Seq2[j * 2] + Seq2[j * 2 + 1])) //Changed: +
intDiagonal_score = Matrix[j - 1, i - 1].CellScore + Similar;
intDiagonal_score = Matrix[j - 1, i - 1].CellScore + NonSimilar;
//Calculate gap score
intUp_Score = Matrix[j - 1, i].CellScore + GapPenality;
intLeft_Score = Matrix[j, i - 1].CellScore + GapPenality;
if (intDiagonal_score<=0 && intUp_Score<=0 && intLeft_Score <= 0)
return Temp = new Cell(j, i, 0);
if (intDiagonal_score >= intUp_Score)
if (intDiagonal_score>= intLeft_Score)
Temp = new Cell(j, i, intDiagonal_score, Matrix[j - 1, i - 1], Cell.PrevcellType.Diagonal);
Temp = new Cell(j, i, intDiagonal_score, Matrix[j , i - 1], Cell.PrevcellType.Left);
if (intUp_Score >= intLeft_Score)
Temp = new Cell(j, i, intDiagonal_score, Matrix[j - 1, i], Cell.PrevcellType.Above);
Temp = new Cell(j, i, intDiagonal_score, Matrix[j , i - 1], Cell.PrevcellType.Left);
if (MaxScore.CellScore <= Temp.CellScore)
MaxScore = Temp;
return Temp;
public static void Traceback_Step(Cell[,] Matrix, string Sq1, string Sq2, List<char> Seq1, List<char> Seq2)
intMaxScore = MaxScore.CellScore;
while (MaxScore.CellPointer != null)
if (MaxScore.Type == Cell.PrevcellType.Diagonal)
Seq1.Add(Sq1[MaxScore.CellColumn * 2 + 1]); //Changed: All of the following lines with *2 and +1
Seq1.Add(Sq1[MaxScore.CellColumn * 2]);
Seq2.Add(Sq2[MaxScore.CellRow * 2 + 1]);
Seq2.Add(Sq2[MaxScore.CellRow * 2]);
if (MaxScore.Type == Cell.PrevcellType.Left)
Seq1.Add(Sq1[MaxScore.CellColumn * 2 + 1]);
Seq1.Add(Sq1[MaxScore.CellColumn * 2]);
if (MaxScore.Type == Cell.PrevcellType.Above)
Seq2.Add(Sq2[MaxScore.CellRow * 2 + 1]);
Seq2.Add(Sq2[MaxScore.CellRow * 2]);
MaxScore = MaxScore.CellPointer;