

该属性可以包含多少个字符?好吧,在测试了几个字符串之后,我得出的结论是它的 255,任何超过 255 个字符的字符串都会引发错误:

运行时错误 5 - 无效的过程调用或争论



该属性可以包含多少个字符?再次,测试几个字符串,你会得到一个大约 50,000 的数字,你将它设置得更高,你会得到相同的错误,除非在这种情况下,excel 有时会崩溃或吐出不同的错误(多次尝试后):

Dim i As Integer
Dim a As String

For i = 1 To 5001
    a = a & "abcdefghih"
Next i

Application.Sheets(1).ListObjects(1).Summary = a




在标准 VBA 对象中对大多数字符串设置的这些字符限制让我感到奇怪,我想知道它们的目的是什么,为什么设计者选择将“ListObjects.name”限制为 255 个字符,以及这是否是任意默认限制或是否这是一个有意识的决定。我相信标准的字符串长度是这样的,我想知道为什么会偏离这个标准。




2 回答 2


首先,如果您的意图是存储有关对象的元信息,您可以使用CustomDocumentProperties. 您可以在此处此处找到有关其用法的示例,并在此处找到Chip Pearson 的一些不错的包装器。
由于它们的长度仍然非常有限(255 个字符)(感谢您指出这一点!),最好的解决方案可能是CustomXMLParts这里描述的那样使用。困难的部分将是使用 VBA 构建正确的 XML,但如果您添加对Microsoft XML的引用,也许并非不可能。

但是,为了帮助您解决有关字符串属性的最大长度的问题,这里有一个测试设置,您可以使用它(相对)快速找到任意属性的这些限制。只需将第ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Name19 行替换为您要测试和运行的属性TestMaxStringLengthOfProperty()

Option Explicit

Const PRINT_STEPS = True   ' If True, calculation steps will be written to Debug.Print

Private Function LengthWorks(ByVal iLengthToTest As Long) As Boolean

   Dim testString As String
   testString = String(iLengthToTest, "#")   ' Build string with desired length
   ' Note: The String() method failed for different maximum string lengths possibly
   '       depending on available memory or other factors. You can test the current 
   '       limit for your setup by putting the string assignment in the test space.
   '       In my tests I found maximum values around 1073311725 to still work.

   On Error Resume Next
   ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   '   Start of the Test Space - put the method/property you want to test below here

   ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Name = testString

   '   End of the Test Space - put the method/property you want to test above here
   ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   LengthWorks = Err.Number = 0
   On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Private Sub TestMaxStringLengthOfProperty()

   Const MAX_LENGTH As Long = 1000000000 ' Default: 1000000000
   Const MAXIMUM_STEPS = 100     ' Exit loop after this many tries, at most

   ' Initialize variables for check loop
   Dim currentLength As Long
   Dim lowerBoundary As Long: lowerBoundary = 0
   Dim upperBoundary As Long: upperBoundary = MAX_LENGTH

   Dim currentStep As Long: currentStep = 0
   While True    ' Infinite loop, will exit sub directly
      currentStep = currentStep + 1
      If currentStep > MAXIMUM_STEPS Then
         Debug.Print "Exiting because maximum number of steps (" & _
                      CStr(MAXIMUM_STEPS) & _
                     ") was reached. Last working length was: " & _
         Exit Sub
      End If

      ' Test the upper boundary first, if this succeeds we don't need to continue search
      If LengthWorks(upperBoundary) Then
         ' We have a winner! :)
         Debug.Print "Method/property works with the following maximum length: " & _
                     upperBoundary & vbCrLf & _
                     "(If this matches MAX_LENGTH (" & _
                      MAX_LENGTH & "), " & _
                     "consider increasing it to find the actual limit.)" & _
                      vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                     "Computation took " & currentStep & " steps"
         Exit Sub
         ' Upper boundary must be at least one less
         upperBoundary = upperBoundary - 1
         PrintStep upperBoundary + 1, "failed", lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, MAX_LENGTH
      End If

      ' Approximately halve test length
      currentLength = lowerBoundary + ((upperBoundary - lowerBoundary) \ 2)
         ' "\" is integer division (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/IntegerDivision.html)
         ' Using `left + ((right - left) \ 2)` is the default way to avoid overflows
         ' when calculating the midpoint for our binary search
         ' (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Binary_search_algorithm&
         '                                        oldid=809435933#Implementation_issues)

      If LengthWorks(currentLength) Then
         ' If test was successful, increase lower boundary for next step
         lowerBoundary = currentLength + 1
         PrintStep currentLength, "worked", lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, MAX_LENGTH
         ' If not, set new upper boundary
         upperBoundary = currentLength - 1
         PrintStep currentLength, "failed", lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, MAX_LENGTH
      End If


End Sub

Private Sub PrintStep(ByVal iCurrentValue As Long, _
                      ByVal iWorkedFailed As String, _
                      ByVal iNewLowerBoundary As Long, _
                      ByVal iNewUpperBoundary As Long, _
                      ByVal iMaximumTestValue As Long)
      Debug.Print Format(iCurrentValue, String(Len(CStr(iMaximumTestValue)), "0")) & _
                  " " & iWorkedFailed & " - New boundaries: l: " & _
                  iNewLowerBoundary & " u: " & iNewUpperBoundary
   End If
End Sub
于 2017-11-10T10:47:12.470 回答


问候, 扎克·巴雷斯

于 2016-09-29T14:46:29.197 回答