There are two types of times with the Chargeback reporting data:

  1. Processing Date: Also known as Reported date. It is the Date on which the data is reported in the Azure system.
  2. Usage Start and End Date: This is the actual date when the resource was used in Azure.

E.g. You create a VM in Azure and it was up and running for 5 hours on 8th of April until midnight. Now only 2 of those hours are reported on 8th in Azure. And the remaining 3 hours are reported on 9th of April. So in this case:

  • For first 2 hours, the Processing or Reporting date is 8th April. And the usage date is also 8th April.
  • For the remaining 3 hours: the Processing or Reporting date is 9th April. But the usage date is still 8th April as the actual usage of those hours happened on 8th April.

Now when generating the bill there is no documentation which dates to use. I have three options and their combinations:

  1. Processing or Reported Date
  2. Usage Start Date
  3. Usage End Date

Theoretically, it makes sense to generate the bill using Usage dates. But when I pull the actual bill from https://account.windowsazure.com manually and compare the same to the one generated via APIs, it seems that the bill is being generated in Azure by Reported Date instead.

Ask: Can you please check and confirm that I should be using the Reported Date while generating the billing reports?


2 回答 2


我相信您也可以使用 Reported Date 来生成账单。生成的 Afaik Microsoft 计费也基于报告日期。我还在订阅中对这一点进行了几个月的测试,对比计费 API 中的数据,发现这是真的。

于 2016-04-15T21:34:21.400 回答


获取数据的请求 URL 是:

_https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscription-Id}/providers/Microsoft.Commerce/UsageAggregates?api-version={api-version}& reportedStartTime ={dateTimeOffset-value}& reportedEndTime ={dateTimeOffset-value }&aggregationGranularity={粒度值}&showDetails={showdetail-boolean-Value}&continuationToken={token-value}

这意味着在获取数据时,您应该使用Reported Date/Time.


    "value": [
            "id": "/subscriptions/f68815e6-3c41-45ef-bbd8-5f83303c396b/providers/Microsoft.Commerce/UsageAggregates/Daily_BRSDF_20140501_0000",
            "name": "Daily_BRSDF_20140501_0000",
            "type": "Microsoft.Commerce/UsageAggregate",
            "properties": {
                "subscriptionId": "f68815e6-3c41-45ef-bbd8-5f83303c396b",
                "usageStartTime": "2015-03-03T00:00:00+00:00",
                "usageEndTime": "2015-03-04T00:00:00+00:00",
                "meterName": "Standard IO – Page Blob/Disk (GB)",
                "meterCategory": "Storage",
                "meterSubCategory": "Geo Redundant",
                "unit": "GB",
                "meterId": "0e9d0c9b-ab6d-4312-9c7e-3794e22af9c4",
                "infoFields": {
                "quantity": 0.057865

哪个回报你usage dates

您需要意识到的一件事是报告数据的时间存在一些延迟。因此,可以在 8 日、9 日、10 日甚至更晚报告 8 日的使用数据。请阅读Frequently Asked Questions以了解有关这些日期的更多信息。

于 2016-04-12T03:05:18.603 回答