I need to sort the products by High to Low & Low to High of its Price.I have done Low to High by using following code.But dont know how to implement High To Low?
Your answer is more appreciated...
public static Comparator<Restaurant_Beam> strPriceFilterL2H = new Comparator<Restaurant_Beam>() {
public int compare(Restaurant_Beam lhs, Restaurant_Beam rhs) {
int CompareResult = 0;
if (Config.L2HFilterClicked == "L2H") {
CompareResult = (int) Math.round(Double.parseDouble(lhs.getIG_SALES_PRICE()) - Double.parseDouble(rhs.getIG_SALES_PRICE()));
//Used else if for H2L.But did not get it as perfect
else if (Config.L2HFilterClicked == "H2L") {
CompareResult = (int) Math.round(Double.parseDouble(lhs.getIG_SALES_PRICE()) + Double.parseDouble(rhs.getIG_SALES_PRICE()));
return CompareResult;