I have an issue where I need to monitor how long it takes for Websphere to process a request. Specifically I need to know how much time is spent in the "application world", that is time spent processing code in the ear file.

I can't just compute request_time - reponse_time because that contains time spent in the container or what I call "websphere world". I need to know the time spent only in the ear file.

Is there some performance setting I can toggle in websphere so this information gets logged to the server system log file? The application does not have log4j.

I am using Websphere 6.1


2 回答 2


查看 WAS 管理控制台下的 PMI 界面。它提供了一些性能指标——不是最漂亮或最简单的界面,但它可能会提供您正在寻找的东西。

监控插件通常用于执行此操作。我的公司通过 WAS JBM 插件使用 Introscope,它提供了比 PMI 更好的界面来查看性能数据。当然,它不是免费的,但可能有比 PMI 更好的免费或便宜的替代品。

于 2010-09-06T21:53:51.933 回答

WebSphere 有一个叫做“请求度量”的东西


它使您可以在不同级别记录中断的请求执行时间。正如您所期望的那样,通过这种监控很容易收集大量数据,因此可以根据 java 包命名空间、EJB 名称、URI 等附加条件过滤事件。

于 2012-02-29T10:58:25.753 回答