尝试运行 Desktop App Converter (Project Centennial) 时收到以下错误:

Assert-RequiredFeatureEnabled: fatal error 1000: required feature is not installed or enabled. Please refer to machine setup instructions.
At C:\Users\%%%\Documents\DesktopAppConverter\converter_util\EnvironmentAssertions.ps1:40 char:9
+         throw "Assert-RequiredFeatureEnabled: fatal error 1000: requi ...
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Assert-Required...p instructions.:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Assert-RequiredFeatureEnabled: fatal error 1000: required feature is not installed or enabled. Please refer to
    machine setup instructions.

相关脚本在 EnvironmentAssertions.ps1 中:

$feature = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "Containers"

if (!$feature) {
    throw "Assert-RequiredFeatureEnabled: fatal error 1000: required feature is not installed or enabled. Please refer to machine setup instructions."

我在 Windows 功能中没有发现任何与容器相关的项目。


Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview (build 14316) and Desktop App Converter preview (0.1.8.release_2016-04-05_17-47_5aa8cc)


1 回答 1


环顾四周后,似乎“容器”功能目前仅适用于 Windows 10 的企业版 - 也许他们最终会将其扩展到 Pro,但我认为这就是我们无法使其正常工作的原因。

于 2016-04-11T02:59:37.127 回答