With recently pushed for Windows insiders build 14316 we have Windows subsystem for Linux (beta) that allows to run Ubuntu Linux CLI software on Windows. It can be launched by running bash command inside Windows PowerShell or by "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" app.

So, my question is about first way. We can launch bash from PowerShell, but none other ubuntu CLI application is available from it. How do you make one work? Let's say that I want zsh to be available to launch without using bash.


1 回答 1


还没有,根据Windows 博客:在 Windows 上的 Ubuntu 上运行 Bash

第三,注意 Bash 和 Linux 工具不能与 Windows 应用程序和工具交互,反之亦然。因此,您将无法从 Bash 运行记事本,或从 PowerShell 在 Bash 中运行 Ruby。

Microsoft/CommandLine-Documentation#32中的更多内容,这是关于从 Bash 中运行 win32 命令的相关能力:

请放心,我们将在未来研究互操作故事,但我们不会在 Windows 10 周年更新时间表中添加此功能。


于 2016-04-10T09:00:52.967 回答