我正在将使用 SJCL 加密的数据接收到需要解密的 iOS 应用程序中。另一端是使用 SJCL 和 Apple 的CommonCrypto不支持的 AES CCM 模式,所以我为此使用VPCCMCrypt库。无法对发送 SJCL 密文的另一方进行任何更改。
+ (NSData *)decryptSjcl:(NSDictionary *)cipher password:(NSString *)password {
if (cipher == nil || password == nil) {
return nil;
int version = [cipher[@"v"] intValue];
NSString *iv = cipher[@"iv"];
uint iter = [cipher[@"iter"] unsignedIntValue];
uint ks = [cipher[@"ks"] unsignedIntValue];
uint ts = [cipher[@"ts"] unsignedIntValue];
NSString *mode = cipher[@"mode"];
NSString *adata = cipher[@"adata"];
NSString *algorithm = cipher[@"cipher"];
NSString *salt = cipher[@"salt"];
NSString *ct = cipher[@"ct"];
if (version != 1 || ! [@"aes" isEqualToString:algorithm]) {
return nil;
NSData *rawIv = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:iv options:0];
NSData *rawSalt = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:salt options:0];
NSData *rawAdata = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:adata options:0];
NSData *cipherData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:ct options:0];
NSData *key;
NSMutableData *decipheredData = nil;
if ([@"ccm" isEqualToString:mode]) {
key = [Cryptor sjclAesKeyForPassword:password salt:rawSalt iterations:iter keySize:ks];
decipheredData = [Cryptor decryptAesCcmData:cipherData iv:rawIv key:key adata:rawAdata tagSize:ts];
return decipheredData;
SJCL 密钥生成:
+ (NSData *)sjclAesKeyForPassword:(NSString *)password salt:(NSData *)salt iterations:(uint)iterations keySize:(uint)keySizeBits {
NSMutableData *derivedKey = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:keySizeBits / 8];
int result = CCKeyDerivationPBKDF(kCCPBKDF2,
[password lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
NSAssert(result == kCCSuccess, @"Unable to create AES key for password: %d", result);
return derivedKey;
+ (NSMutableData *)decryptAesCcmData:(NSData *)cipherData iv:(NSData *)iv key:(NSData *)key adata:(NSData *)adata tagSize:(uint)tagSizeBits {
VPCCMCrypt *ccm = [[VPCCMCrypt alloc] initWithKey:key
tagLength:tagSizeBits / 8];
[ccm decryptDataWithData:cipherData
finishedBlock:^(NSData *data) {
NSString *result = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"Decrypted SJCL message: %@", result);
errorBlock:^(NSError *error) {
return nil;
来自 SJCL 的所有输入数据都被正确解析(IV、盐、密钥大小、标签大小、PBKDF 迭代、密文)并NSData
编码表示中解码。密码使用相同。包括创建的 AES 密钥在内的所有数据都不为零。
最后,它在验证 CCM 标签内失败VPCCMCrypt
(标签不同)。上面的代码有问题吗?是否有任何其他 iOS/Objective-C/Swift 库来解密 AES CCM 甚至更好的 SJCL?我对 SJCL 库的 JavaScript 包装器不感兴趣。
为了进行测试,我使用了SJCL 演示页面中的简单加密数据。
正如评论中所说,SJCL 发送 16 字节 IV 而不是 CCM 模式的最大 12 字节,然后在解密时将其内部钳制为最大 12 字节。这是更新的解密方法:
+ (NSData *)decryptSjcl:(NSDictionary *)cipher password:(NSString *)password {
if (cipher == nil || password == nil) {
return nil;
int version = [cipher[@"v"] intValue];
NSString *iv = cipher[@"iv"];
uint iter = [cipher[@"iter"] unsignedIntValue];
uint ks = [cipher[@"ks"] unsignedIntValue];
uint ts = [cipher[@"ts"] unsignedIntValue];
NSString *mode = cipher[@"mode"];
NSString *adata = cipher[@"adata"];
NSString *algorithm = cipher[@"cipher"];
NSString *salt = cipher[@"salt"];
NSString *ct = cipher[@"ct"];
if (version != 1 || ! [@"aes" isEqualToString:algorithm]) {
return nil;
NSMutableData *rawIv = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:iv options:0];
NSMutableData *rawSalt = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:salt options:0];
NSMutableData *rawAdata = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:adata options:0];
NSMutableData *cipherData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:ct options:0];
NSData *key;
NSData *decipheredData = nil;
if ([@"ccm" isEqualToString:mode]) {
key = [Cryptor sjclAesKeyForPassword:password salt:rawSalt iterations:iter keySize:ks];
// Clamp the SJCL IV - They use a 16 byte IV for CCM mode which is against specification and they do a funky
// clamping. CCM mode IV should be max 13 bytes long. They almost always clamp it to 13 bytes but save the whole
// 16 bytes in their JSON container.
// for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}
// if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }
// iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));
int64_t ivl = rawIv.length;
int64_t ol = cipherData.length - (ts / 8);
int64_t L = 2;
for (L = 2; L < 4 && ol >> 8*L; L++) {}
if (L < 15 - ivl) {
L = 15 - ivl;
NSRange subrange = NSMakeRange(0, (NSUInteger)(15 - L));
decipheredData = [Cryptor decryptAesCcmData:cipherData iv:[rawIv subdataWithRange:subrange] key:key adata:rawAdata tagSize:ts];
else {
decipheredData = nil;
return decipheredData;
最后缺少的一件事是验证 TAG,我无法做到这一点。有任何想法吗?