## [1] ‘’
首先,检测前 1,500 个二元组搭配的方法,并用它们的单标记版本(由"_"
### for just the top 1500 collocations
# detect the collocations
colls <- collocations(inaugCorpus, n = 1500, size = 2)
# remove collocations containing stopwords
colls <- removeFeatures(colls, stopwords("SMART"))
## Removed 1,224 (81.6%) of 1,500 collocations containing one of 570 stopwords.
# replace the phrases with single-token versions
inaugCorpusColl2 <- phrasetotoken(inaugCorpus, colls)
# create the document-feature matrix
inaugColl2dfm <- dfm(inaugCorpusColl2, ignoredFeatures = stopwords("SMART"))
## Creating a dfm from a corpus ...
## ... lowercasing
## ... tokenizing
## ... indexing documents: 57 documents
## ... indexing features: 9,741 feature types
## ... removed 430 features, from 570 supplied (glob) feature types
## ... complete.
## ... created a 57 x 9311 sparse dfm
## Elapsed time: 0.163 seconds.
# plot the wordcloud
png("~/Desktop/wcloud1.png", width = 800, height = 800)
plot(inaugColl2dfm["2013-Obama", ], min.freq = 2, random.order = FALSE,
colors = sample(colors()[2:128]))
由所有二元组组成的版本更容易,但会产生大量低频二元组特征。对于词云,我选择了更大的文本集,而不仅仅是 2013 年的奥巴马演讲。
### version with all bi-grams
inaugbigramsDfm <- dfm(inaugCorpusColl2, ngrams = 2, ignoredFeatures = stopwords("SMART"))
## Creating a dfm from a corpus ...
## ... lowercasing
## ... tokenizing
## ... indexing documents: 57 documents
## ... removed 54,200 features, from 570 supplied (glob) feature types
## ... indexing features: 64,108 feature types
## ... created a 57 x 9908 sparse dfm
## ... complete.
## Elapsed time: 3.254 seconds.
# plot the bigram wordcloud - more texts because for a single speech,
# almost none occur more than once
png("~/Desktop/wcloud2.png", width = 800, height = 800)
plot(inaugbigramsDfm[40:57, ], min.freq = 2, random.order = FALSE,
colors = sample(colors()[2:128]))