我的列数据类型是 varchar :
<cfquery name="getStudent" datasource="#Application.dsn#">
SELECT CONCAT('\'',U.user_gov_id) as User_gov_id ,
U.user_first_name , U.user_last_name , CONCAT('\'', U.user_mobile ) as Mobile_Number
, U.user_address, U.user_street_number, U.user_city , U.user_post_code ,
DATE_FORMAT(U.delivery_date, '%Y-%M-%d %h:%i:%s')
FROM tblUSER U INNER JOIN tblUSER_PAYMENT P ON U.user_id = P.user_id
WHERE P.other_amount = '250' AND U.isdelivered = 0 AND U.matrix_node_number > 155
用于 Excel 生成
<cfspreadsheet action="write" filename="#fileName1#.xlsx" query="getStudent" overwrite="true" >
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=#fileName1#.xlsx">
<cfcontent type="application/csv" file="#ExpandPath('#fileName1#.xlsx')#" deletefile="yes">