使用byebuggem 使我能够continue直到下一个断点:

(byebug) help

  break      -- Sets breakpoints in the source code
  catch      -- Handles exception catchpoints
  condition  -- Sets conditions on breakpoints
  continue   -- Runs until program ends, hits a breakpoint or reaches a line
  delete     -- Deletes breakpoints
  disable    -- Disables breakpoints or displays
  display    -- Evaluates expressions every time the debugger stops
  down       -- Moves to a lower frame in the stack trace
  edit       -- Edits source files
  enable     -- Enables breakpoints or displays
  finish     -- Runs the program until frame returns
  frame      -- Moves to a frame in the call stack
  help       -- Helps you using byebug
  history    -- Shows byebug's history of commands
  info       -- Shows several informations about the program being debugged
  interrupt  -- Interrupts the program
  irb        -- Starts an IRB session
  kill       -- Sends a signal to the current process
  list       -- Lists lines of source code
  method     -- Shows methods of an object, class or module
  next       -- Runs one or more lines of code
  pry        -- Starts a Pry session
  ps         -- Evaluates an expression and prettyprints & sort the result
  quit       -- Exits byebug
  restart    -- Restarts the debugged program
  save       -- Saves current byebug session to a file
  set        -- Modifies byebug settings
  show       -- Shows byebug settings
  source     -- Restores a previously saved byebug session
  step       -- Steps into blocks or methods one or more times
  thread     -- Commands to manipulate threads
  tracevar   -- Enables tracing of a global variable
  undisplay  -- Stops displaying all or some expressions when program stops
  untracevar -- Stops tracing a global variable
  up         -- Moves to a higher frame in the stack trace
  var        -- Shows variables and its values
  where      -- Displays the backtrace


如何在不停留byebug在 Ruby 中的其他语句的情况下继续?


3 回答 3



请参阅此 PR https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/byebug/pull/546

于 2021-02-01T09:08:14.057 回答


根据帮助输出,breakpoint可以使用disable命令禁用 s。但这并不能解决您的问题,因为下一个byebug将再次暂停执行。


byebug if SomeModule.byebug?

然后,在 SomeModule 中,您可以使用全局变量来打开/关闭它。您要么必须在对 byebug 的所有调用中执行此操作,要么您可以对 byebug 方法进行猴子修补以执行相同alias_method_chain或类似的操作。

让 Byebug 在不退出 Pry 的情况下完成执行”是一个类似的答案。

于 2016-04-06T21:48:46.227 回答

我刚刚在代码中发现,您可以使用以下命令完全停止 byebug:

Byebug.mode = :off


于 2020-08-13T09:20:03.923 回答