NPoco (a .NET micro ORM, derived from PetaPoco) has a method for bulk-inserting records into a database, given a list of a generic type. The method signature is:
void InsertBulk<T>(IEnumerable<T> pocos);
Internally it takes the name of the type T and uses it to determine the DB table to insert into (similarly the type's property names are mapped to the column names). Therefore it is critically important that a variable of the correct type is passed to the method.
My challenge is this:
- I am given a list of objects to insert into the DB, as
where IDataItem is an interface that all insertable objects' classes must implement - The list may contain objects of any type that implements IDataItem, and there may be a mixture of types in the list
- To underline the problem - I do not know at compile time the actual concrete type that I have to pass to InsertBulk
I have tried the following approach, but the result of Convert.ChangeType is Object, so I am passing a list of Objects to InsertBulk, which is invalid.
private static Exception SaveDataItemsToDatabase(List<IDataItem> dtos)
using (var db = new DbConnection())
var dtosByType = dtos.GroupBy(x => x.GetType());
foreach (var dataType in dtosByType)
var type = dataType.Key;
var dtosOfType = dataType.Select(x => Convert.ChangeType(x, type));
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
return ex;
Is there any way I can accomplish this?