我在部署设置到我的 github 存储库 ( https://github.com/jthake/MicrosoftGraph-AzureFunctions/blob/master/MicrosoftGraphWebHook/ ) 的 Azure 函数时收到此错误。不幸的是,它不是很具体......调试它的正确方法是什么?
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error indexing method 'Functions.MicrosoftGraphWebHook'. mscorlib: Multiple custom attributes of the same type found.
2016-04-06T00:29:25 Welcome, you are now connected to log-streaming service.
"As expcted, the Azure Functions runtime will automatically add the references to the package assemblies, so you DO NOT need to explicitly add assembly references using #r "AssemblyName", you can just add the required using statements to your function and use the types defined in the NuGet package you've referenced."
我尝试删除可能已经引用但随后在找不到程序集引用时抛出错误的 #r ref 东西。