
1 + x + x 2 / 2!+ x 3 / 3!+ ... + x 10 / 10!。

我的程序每次都给我无限,我对 MIPS 是全新的。我只关心介于 0 和 10 之间的输入,包括 0 和 10。我们停在x n / n!n = 10 时。这是我想出的:

# A program to first, find the power of x^n and the factorial of n. x,n are both between 0-10 inclusive. Then it finds the taylor series
pr1:    .asciiz "Enter Float x: "

    .globl main
    la $a0, pr1     # prompt user for x
    li $v0,4        # print string
    li $v0, 6       # read single 
    mtc1 $v0, $f0       # f0 <--- x

exponent:           # f0 --> x
    mul.s $f1, $f0, $f0     # f1 --> x^2
    mul.s $f2, $f1, $f0 # f2 --> x^3
    mul.s $f3, $f2, $f0 # f3 --> x^4
    mul.s $f4, $f3, $f0 # f4 --> x^5
    mul.s $f5, $f4, $f0 # f5 --> x^6
    mul.s $f6, $f5, $f0 # f6 --> x^7
    mul.s $f7, $f6, $f0     # f7 --> x^8
    mul.s $f8, $f7, $f0 # f8 --> x^9
    mul.s $f9, $f8, $f0 # f9 --> x^10
        li $s0, 1       # n = 10
        li $t0, 1

        add $t0, $t0, $s0   # t0 = 2! = 2

        add $t1, $t0, $s0   # t1 = 3
        mul $t1, $t1, $t0   # t1 = 3! = 6

        add $t2, $t0, $t0   # t2 = 4
        mul $t2, $t2, $t1   # t2 = 4! = 24

        addi $t3, $t1, -1   # t3 = 5
        mul $t3, $t3, $t2   # t3 = 5! = 120

        add $t4, $t1, $zero # t4 = 6
        mul $t4, $t4, $t3   # t4 = 6! = 720

        addi $t5, $t1, 1    # t5 = 7
        mul $t5, $t5, $t4   # t5 = 7! = 5040

        add $t6, $t1, $t0   # t6 = 8
        mul $t6, $t6, $t5   # t6 = 8! = 40320

        add $t7, $t1, $t0
        addi $t7, $t7, 1    # t7 = 9
        mul $t7, $t7, $t6   # t7 = 9! = 362880

        mul $s1, $t0, 5     # s1 = 10
        mul $s1, $s1, $t7   # s1 = 10! = 3628800    

    mtc1 $s0, $f10      # $f10 = 1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x

    mtc1 $t0, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f1   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x + x^2/2!

    mtc1 $t1, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f2   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x +.. + x^3/3!

    mtc1 $t2, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f3   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x +..+ x^4/4!

    mtc1 $t3, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f4   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x + x^5/5!

    mtc1 $t4, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f5   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x + x^6/6!

    mtc1 $t5, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f6   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x + x^7/7!

    mtc1 $t6, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f7   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x + x^8/8!

    mtc1 $t7, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f8   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x + x^9/9!

    mtc1 $s1, $f10      # move n! to cp1
    cvt.s.w $f10, $f10  # convert to float 
    div.s $f10, $f10, $f9   # divide x^n/ n
    add.s $f0, $f0, $f10    # = 1 + x + x^10/10!
        mov.s $f12, $f0     # argument
        li $v0, 2       # print float
        li $v0, 10

1 回答 1



(1) 正如 Jester 所提到的,您的“读取浮动”系统调用有一个错误。

(2) 您正在计算factorial(n),但泰勒余弦级数使用factorial(2n),因此它增加得更快。

(3) 您可能遇到的另一个问题 [使用正确的阶乘] 是您使用整数数学作为阶乘。当计算到 10 次迭代时,阶乘将溢出一个 32 位整数。对于 10 次迭代,我们最终得到 [至少]factorial(18)约为 6.4e15(即不适合32 整数)。对于整数数学,只要值包含 32 位,阶乘就会“振荡”,而不是稳定增加。



下面是循环实现的 asm 代码。还有一个 C 版本,我用来先调试算法。还有一个带有一些调试语句的 asm 版本。


您正在尝试cos使用泰勒级数求和/展开 [至 10 次迭代] 进行计算。毕竟,该公式确实使用了“求和”运算符。

您正在预先计算所有x^n项和所有阶乘项,并将它们放在不同的寄存器中。这很好,因为 MIPS 有 32 个 FP 寄存器。但是,对于双精度,我们必须使用两个寄存器,所以这意味着只有 16 个数字。在某种程度上,您所做的相当于编译器执行“循环展开”。


而且,假设问题是使用 20 次迭代而不是 10 次。我们可能会用完寄存器。在实践中,这对于其他级数展开可能是必要的,因为我们可能不会很快收敛。


使用循环方法的另一个优点是,我们可以监控术语值 [ ](越来越小),而不是使用固定次数的迭代,cur以及它是否变化小于一定量 [或小于量](例如对于双精度,1e-14)我们可以停止,因为我们的值不会比浮点格式[和硬件]提供给我们的精度更好。


这是asm版本。注释中使用的变量名称是指 C 代码中使用的变量名称 [随后]。

# A program to calculate cos(x) using taylor series
pr1:        .asciiz     "Enter Float x: "
sym_fnc:    .asciiz     "cos(x): "
nl:         .asciiz     "\n"

    .globl  main

    li      $s7,0                   # clear debug flag #+

    # prompt user for x value
    li      $v0,4                   # print string
    la      $a0,pr1                 # prompt user for x

    # read user's x value
    li      $v0,6                   # read float

    jal     qcos

    la      $a0,sym_fnc             # string
    jal     prtflt

    li      $v0,10

# qcos -- calculate cosine
#   f0 -- cos(x)
# arguments:
#   f0 -- x value
# registers:
#   f2 -- x value
#   f4 -- sum
#   f6 -- xpow (x^n)
#   f8 -- n2m1
#   f10 -- factorial (nfac)
#   f12 -- RESERVED (used in pflt)
#   f14 -- current term
#   f16 -- x^2
#   f18 -- a one value
#   t0 -- zero value
#   t1 -- one value
#   t6 -- negation flag
#   t7 -- iteration count
    move    $s0,$ra                 # save return address
    mov.s   $f2,$f0                 # save x value

    mul.s   $f16,$f2,$f2            # get x^2

    li      $t0,0                   # get a zero
    li      $t1,1                   # get a one

    li      $t6,1                   # start with positive term

    # xpow = 1
    mtc1    $t1,$f6                 # xpow = 1
    cvt.s.w $f6,$f6                 # convert to float

    # n2m1 = 0
    mtc1    $t0,$f8                 # n2m1 = 0
    cvt.s.w $f8,$f8                 # convert to float

    # nfac = 1
    mtc1    $t1,$f10                # nfac = 1
    cvt.s.w $f10,$f10               # convert to float

    # get a one value
    mtc1    $t1,$f18                # onetmp = 1
    cvt.s.w $f18,$f18               # convert to float

    # zero the sum
    mtc1    $t0,$f4                 # sum = 0
    cvt.s.w $f4,$f4                 # convert to float

    li      $t7,10                  # set number of iterations


    div.s   $f14,$f6,$f10           # cur = xpow / nfac

    # apply the term to the sum
    bgtz    $t6,cospos              # do positive? yes, fly
    sub.s   $f4,$f4,$f14            # subtract the term
    b       cosneg

    add.s   $f4,$f4,$f14            # add the term


    subi    $t7,$t7,1               # bump down iteration count
    blez    $t7,cosdone             # are we done? if yes, fly

    # now calculate intermediate values for _next_ term

    # get _next_ power term
    mul.s   $f6,$f6,$f16            # xpow *= x2

    # go from factorial(2n) to factorial(2n+1)
    add.s   $f8,$f8,$f18            # n2m1 += 1
    mul.s   $f10,$f10,$f8           # nfac *= n2m1

    # go from factorial(2n+1) to factorial(2n+1+1)
    add.s   $f8,$f8,$f18            # n2m1 += 1
    mul.s   $f10,$f10,$f8           # nfac *= n2m1

    neg     $t6,$t6                 # flip sign for next time
    j       cosloop

    mov.s   $f0,$f4                 # set return value

    move    $ra,$s0                 # restore return address
    jr      $ra

# dbgflt -- debug print float number
    bnez    $s7,prtflt
    jr      $ra

# dbgnum -- debug print int number
    beqz    $s7,dbgnumdone
    li      $v0,1

    jr      $ra

# dbgprt -- debug print float number
    beqz    $s7,dbgprtdone
    li      $v0,4

    jr      $ra

# prtflt -- print float number
# arguments:
#   a0 -- prefix string (symbol name)
#   f12 -- number to print
    li      $v0,4                   # syscall: print string

    li      $v0,2                   # print float

    li      $v0,4                   # syscall: print string
    la      $a0,nl                  # print newline

    jr      $ra


// mipsqsin/mipstaylor -- fast sine/cosine calculation

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define ITERMAX     10

// qcos -- calculate cosine
qcos(double x)
    int iteridx;
    double x2;
    double cur;
    int neg;
    double xpow;
    double n2m1;
    double nfac;
    double sum;

    // square of x
    x2 = x * x;

    // values for initial terms where n==0:
    xpow = 1.0;
    n2m1 = 0.0;
    nfac = 1.0;
    neg = 1;

    sum = 0.0;
    iteridx = 0;

    // NOTES:
    // (1) with the setup above, we can just use the loop without any special
    //     casing
    while (1) {
        // calculate current value
        cur = xpow / nfac;

        // apply it to sum
        if (neg < 0)
            sum -= cur;
            sum += cur;

        // bug out when done
        if (++iteridx >= ITERMAX)

        // now calculate intermediate values for _next_ sum term

        // get _next_ power term
        xpow *= x2;

        // go from factorial(2n) to factorial(2n+1)
        n2m1 += 1.0;
        nfac *= n2m1;

        // now get factorial(2n+1+1)
        n2m1 += 1.0;
        nfac *= n2m1;

        // flip sign
        neg = -neg;

    return sum;

// qsin -- calculate sine
qsin(double x)
    int iteridx;
    double x2;
    double cur;
    int neg;
    double xpow;
    double n2m1;
    double nfac;
    double sum;

    // square of x
    x2 = x * x;

    // values for initial terms where n==0:
    xpow = x;
    n2m1 = 1.0;
    nfac = 1.0;
    neg = 1;

    sum = 0.0;
    iteridx = 0;

    // NOTES:
    // (1) with the setup above, we can just use the loop without any special
    //     casing
    while (1) {
        // calculate current value
        cur = xpow / nfac;

        // apply it to sum
        if (neg < 0)
            sum -= cur;
            sum += cur;

        // bug out when done
        if (++iteridx >= ITERMAX)

        // now calculate intermediate values for _next_ sum term

        // get _next_ power term
        xpow *= x2;

        // go from factorial(2n+1) to factorial(2n+1+1)
        n2m1 += 1.0;
        nfac *= n2m1;

        // now get factorial(2n+1+1+1)
        n2m1 += 1.0;
        nfac *= n2m1;

        // flip sign
        neg = -neg;

    return sum;

// testfnc -- test function
testfnc(int typ,const char *sym)
    double (*efnc)(double);
    double (*qfnc)(double);
    double vale;
    double valq;
    double x;
    double dif;
    int iter;

    switch (typ) {
    case 0:
        efnc = cos;
        qfnc = qcos;

    case 1:
        efnc = sin;
        qfnc = qsin;

        efnc = NULL;
        qfnc = NULL;

    iter = 0;
    for (x = 0.0;  x <= M_PI_2;  x += 0.001, ++iter) {
        vale = efnc(x);
        valq = qfnc(x);

        dif = vale - valq;
        dif = fabs(dif);

        printf("%s: %d x=%.15f e=%.15f q=%.15f dif=%.15f %s\n",
            sym,iter,x,vale,valq,dif,(dif < 1e-14) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");

// main -- main program
main(int argc,char **argv)


    return 0;

这是我使用的带有调试语句的 asm 版本。这是“printf 调试”,就像在 C 中一样。

或者,模拟器marsspim模拟器都具有内置的 GUI 调试功能。您可以通过单击一个按钮来单步执行代码。您可以看到所有寄存器值的实时显示。

注意:就个人而言,我更喜欢mars. 这适用,mars但我不知道是否spim支持.eqv伪操作。

# A program to calculate cos(x) using taylor series

pr1:        .asciiz     "Enter Float x: "
sym_fnc:    .asciiz     "cos(x): "
nl:         .asciiz     "\n"

#+ddef  f2,x
    .eqv    fpr_x           $f2     #+
sym_x:      .asciiz     "x[f2]: "       #+
#+ddef  f16,x2
    .eqv    fpr_x2          $f16    #+
sym_x2:     .asciiz     "x2[f16]: "     #+
#+ddef  f4,sum
    .eqv    fpr_sum         $f4     #+
sym_sum:    .asciiz     "sum[f4]: "     #+
#+ddef  f6,xpow
    .eqv    fpr_xpow        $f6     #+
sym_xpow:   .asciiz     "xpow[f6]: "    #+
#+ddef  f8,n2m1
    .eqv    fpr_n2m1        $f8     #+
sym_n2m1:   .asciiz     "n2m1[f8]: "    #+
#+ddef  f10,nfac
    .eqv    fpr_nfac        $f10    #+
sym_nfac:   .asciiz     "nfac[f10]: "   #+
#+ddef  f14,cur
    .eqv    fpr_cur         $f14    #+
sym_cur:    .asciiz     "cur[f14]: "    #+

    .globl  main

    la      $a0,dbgask              # prompt user #+
    li      $v0,4                   # print string #+
    syscall                         #+
    # get debug flag #+
    li      $v0,5                   #+
    syscall                         #+
    move    $s7,$v0                 #+
    .data                           #+
dbgask:     .asciiz     "Debug (0/1) ? "    #+
    .text                           #+

    # prompt user for x value
    li      $v0,4                   # print string
    la      $a0,pr1                 # prompt user for x

    # read user's x value
    li      $v0,6                   # read float

    jal     qcos

    la      $a0,sym_fnc             # string
    jal     prtflt

    li      $v0,10

# qcos -- calculate cosine
#   f0 -- cos(x)
# arguments:
#   f0 -- x value
# registers:
#   f2 -- x value
#   f4 -- sum
#   f6 -- xpow (x^n)
#   f8 -- n2m1
#   f10 -- factorial (nfac)
#   f12 -- RESERVED (used in pflt)
#   f14 -- current term
#   f16 -- x^2
#   f18 -- a one value
#   t0 -- zero value
#   t1 -- one value
#   t6 -- negation flag
#   t7 -- iteration count
    move    $s0,$ra                 # save return address
    mov.s   $f2,$f0                 # save x value
    #+dflt  x
    la      $a0,sym_x               #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_x              #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+

    mul.s   $f16,$f2,$f2            # get x^2
    #+dflt  x2
    la      $a0,sym_x2              #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_x2             #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+

    li      $t0,0                   # get a zero
    li      $t1,1                   # get a one

    li      $t6,1                   # start with positive term

    # xpow = 1
    mtc1    $t1,$f6                 # xpow = 1
    cvt.s.w $f6,$f6                 # convert to float

    # n2m1 = 0
    mtc1    $t0,$f8                 # n2m1 = 0
    cvt.s.w $f8,$f8                 # convert to float

    # nfac = 1
    mtc1    $t1,$f10                # nfac = 1
    cvt.s.w $f10,$f10               # convert to float

    # get a one value
    mtc1    $t1,$f18                # onetmp = 1
    cvt.s.w $f18,$f18               # convert to float

    # zero the sum
    mtc1    $t0,$f4                 # sum = 0
    cvt.s.w $f4,$f4                 # convert to float

    li      $t7,10                  # set number of iterations

    #+dprt  "cosloop: LOOP iter="
    la      $a0,dprt_1              #+
    jal     dbgprt                  #+
    .data                           #+
dprt_1:     .asciiz     "cosloop: LOOP iter="   #+
    .text                           #+
    #+dnum  $t7
    move    $a0,$t7                 #+
    jal     dbgnum                  #+
    #+dprt  "\n"
    la      $a0,dprt_2              #+
    jal     dbgprt                  #+
    .data                           #+
dprt_2:     .asciiz     "\n"            #+
    .text                           #+

    #+dflt  xpow
    la      $a0,sym_xpow            #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_xpow           #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+
    #+dflt  nfac
    la      $a0,sym_nfac            #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_nfac           #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+

    div.s   $f14,$f6,$f10           # cur = xpow / nfac
    #+dflt  cur
    la      $a0,sym_cur             #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_cur            #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+

    # apply the term to the sum
    bgtz    $t6,cospos              # do positive? yes, fly
    #+dprt  "costerm: NEG\n"
    la      $a0,dprt_3              #+
    jal     dbgprt                  #+
    .data                           #+
dprt_3:     .asciiz     "costerm: NEG\n"    #+
    .text                           #+
    sub.s   $f4,$f4,$f14            # subtract the term
    b       cosneg

    #+dprt  "costerm: POS\n"
    la      $a0,dprt_4              #+
    jal     dbgprt                  #+
    .data                           #+
dprt_4:     .asciiz     "costerm: POS\n"    #+
    .text                           #+
    add.s   $f4,$f4,$f14            # add the term

    #+dflt  sum
    la      $a0,sym_sum             #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_sum            #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+

    subi    $t7,$t7,1               # bump down iteration count
    blez    $t7,cosdone             # are we done? if yes, fly

    # now calculate intermediate values for _next_ term
    #+dprt  "cosloop: CALC\n"
    la      $a0,dprt_5              #+
    jal     dbgprt                  #+
    .data                           #+
dprt_5:     .asciiz     "cosloop: CALC\n"   #+
    .text                           #+

    # get _next_ power term
    mul.s   $f6,$f6,$f16            # xpow *= x2

    # go from factorial(2n) to factorial(2n+1)
    add.s   $f8,$f8,$f18            # n2m1 += 1
    #+dflt  n2m1
    la      $a0,sym_n2m1            #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_n2m1           #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+
    mul.s   $f10,$f10,$f8           # nfac *= n2m1
    #+dflt  nfac
    la      $a0,sym_nfac            #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_nfac           #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+

    # go from factorial(2n+1) to factorial(2n+1+1)
    add.s   $f8,$f8,$f18            # n2m1 += 1
    #+dflt  n2m1
    la      $a0,sym_n2m1            #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_n2m1           #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+
    mul.s   $f10,$f10,$f8           # nfac *= n2m1
    #+dflt  nfac
    la      $a0,sym_nfac            #+
    mov.s   $f12,fpr_nfac           #+
    jal     dbgflt                  #+

    neg     $t6,$t6                 # flip sign for next time
    j       cosloop

    mov.s   $f0,$f4                 # set return value

    move    $ra,$s0                 # restore return address
    jr      $ra

# dbgflt -- debug print float number
    bnez    $s7,prtflt
    jr      $ra

# dbgnum -- debug print int number
    beqz    $s7,dbgnumdone
    li      $v0,1

    jr      $ra

# dbgprt -- debug print float number
    beqz    $s7,dbgprtdone
    li      $v0,4

    jr      $ra

# prtflt -- print float number
# arguments:
#   a0 -- prefix string (symbol name)
#   f12 -- number to print
    li      $v0,4                   # syscall: print string

    li      $v0,2                   # print float

    li      $v0,4                   # syscall: print string
    la      $a0,nl                  # print newline

    jr      $ra


Debug (0/1) ? 1
Enter Float x: 0.123
x[f2]: 0.123
x2[f16]: 0.015129001
cosloop: LOOP iter=10
xpow[f6]: 1.0
nfac[f10]: 1.0
cur[f14]: 1.0
costerm: POS
sum[f4]: 1.0
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 1.0
nfac[f10]: 1.0
n2m1[f8]: 2.0
nfac[f10]: 2.0
cosloop: LOOP iter=9
xpow[f6]: 0.015129001
nfac[f10]: 2.0
cur[f14]: 0.0075645004
costerm: NEG
sum[f4]: 0.9924355
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 3.0
nfac[f10]: 6.0
n2m1[f8]: 4.0
nfac[f10]: 24.0
cosloop: LOOP iter=8
xpow[f6]: 2.2888667E-4
nfac[f10]: 24.0
cur[f14]: 9.536944E-6
costerm: POS
sum[f4]: 0.99244505
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 5.0
nfac[f10]: 120.0
n2m1[f8]: 6.0
nfac[f10]: 720.0
cosloop: LOOP iter=7
xpow[f6]: 3.4628265E-6
nfac[f10]: 720.0
cur[f14]: 4.8094813E-9
costerm: NEG
sum[f4]: 0.99244505
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 7.0
nfac[f10]: 5040.0
n2m1[f8]: 8.0
nfac[f10]: 40320.0
cosloop: LOOP iter=6
xpow[f6]: 5.2389105E-8
nfac[f10]: 40320.0
cur[f14]: 1.2993329E-12
costerm: POS
sum[f4]: 0.99244505
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 9.0
nfac[f10]: 362880.0
n2m1[f8]: 10.0
nfac[f10]: 3628800.0
cosloop: LOOP iter=5
xpow[f6]: 7.925948E-10
nfac[f10]: 3628800.0
cur[f14]: 2.1841789E-16
costerm: NEG
sum[f4]: 0.99244505
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 11.0
nfac[f10]: 3.99168E7
n2m1[f8]: 12.0
nfac[f10]: 4.790016E8
cosloop: LOOP iter=4
xpow[f6]: 1.1991168E-11
nfac[f10]: 4.790016E8
cur[f14]: 2.503367E-20
costerm: POS
sum[f4]: 0.99244505
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 13.0
nfac[f10]: 6.2270208E9
n2m1[f8]: 14.0
nfac[f10]: 8.7178289E10
cosloop: LOOP iter=3
xpow[f6]: 1.8141439E-13
nfac[f10]: 8.7178289E10
cur[f14]: 2.0809583E-24
costerm: NEG
sum[f4]: 0.99244505
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 15.0
nfac[f10]: 1.30767428E12
n2m1[f8]: 16.0
nfac[f10]: 2.09227885E13
cosloop: LOOP iter=2
xpow[f6]: 2.7446184E-15
nfac[f10]: 2.09227885E13
cur[f14]: 1.3117842E-28
costerm: POS
sum[f4]: 0.99244505
cosloop: CALC
n2m1[f8]: 17.0
nfac[f10]: 3.55687415E14
n2m1[f8]: 18.0
nfac[f10]: 6.4023735E15
cosloop: LOOP iter=1
xpow[f6]: 4.1523335E-17
nfac[f10]: 6.4023735E15
cur[f14]: 6.485616E-33
costerm: NEG
sum[f4]: 0.99244505
cos(x): 0.99244505

-- program is finished running --
于 2016-04-06T23:44:46.423 回答