I am getting the following error:
22:24:34.419 [run-main-0] DEBUG com.websudos.phantom - Executing query: com.datastax.driver.core.BatchStatement@3f4f5b68
22:24:34.426 [pool-15-thread-3] ERROR com.websudos.phantom - Batch too large
[error] (run-main-0) com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Batch too large
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Batch too large
Have re-run the code and getting this error at the following point each time:
cqlsh> select count(*) from superchain.blocks limit 1000000;
(1 rows)
Warnings :
Aggregation query used without partition key
Thanks in advance for any insights.
+++ UPDATES +++
So the offending code is
//This file is Database.scala
class Database(val keyspace: KeySpaceDef) extends DatabaseImpl(keyspace) {
def insertBlock(block: Block) = {
//should note here that have also tried Batch.unlogged to same effect
def insertTransaction(tx: Transaction) = {
//should note here that have also tried Batch.unlogged to same effect
object block extends BlockTable with keyspace.Connector
object tx extends TransactionTable with keyspace.Connector
object ChainDatabase extends Database(Config.keySpaceDefinition)
The following shows the inserting functions for Transaction and there is similar code for the Block.
Have tried to follow
But am still struggling to find an implementation that does not lead to the Batch too large
//This file is Transaction.scala
abstract class TransactionTable extends TransactionColumnFamily with RootConnector {
override val tableName = "transactions"
def insertNew(tx: Transaction): Future[ResultSet] = insertNewTransaction(tx).future()
def insertNewTransaction(tx: Transaction) = {
.value(_.txid, tx.txid)
.value(_.version, tx.version)
.value(_.locktime, tx.locktime)
.value(_.vout, tx.vout)
.value(_.vin, tx.vin)