致力于为定制越野车创建数据采集系统。使用 Raspberry Pi 和自定义转速计(经过测试并确认工作)来测量 RPM。在以下代码中使用中断来获取 RPM 值。

def get_rpm():                                         
    GPIO.wait_for_edge(17, GPIO.FALLING)
    start = time.time()
    GPIO.wait_for_edge(17, GPIO.FALLING)
    end = time.time()
    duration = end - start
    rpm = (1/duration)*60
    return rpm



第 1 部分,在单独的线程中运行(循环):

GPIO.wait_for_edge(17, GPIO.RISING)
last = time.time

第 2 部分,根据需要作为函数调用:

def get_state():
    while time.time - last < .5:
        engine_state = true
        engine_state = false
    return engine_state

将第 1 部分保存last到第 2 部分可访问的内存中,第 2 部分将根据火花塞最后一次点燃的时间确定汽车是否正在运行。engine_state用作比较器时,数据采集系统将仅在为真时获取并存储RPMget_rpm()engine_state

如何以可以使用第 2 部分中的last变量的方式实现第 1 部分?last将会非常非常快地发生变化。我不想每次last更新时都将它存储到 Raspberry Pi 的 SD 卡上的文本文件中。我想存储last在 RAM 中。



1 回答 1


这只是为了灵感。我手头没有我的 Pis,所以这是凭记忆盲目写的。

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN)
# the line below is important. It'll fire on both rising and falling edges
# and it's non-blocking
GPIO.add_event_detect(17, GPIO.BOTH, callback=callback_func)

length_of_last_high = 0
length_of_last_low = 0

last_rise = 0
last_fall = 0
last_callback = 0

def callback_func(pin):
    # all of these global variables aren't needed 
    # but I left them in for demo purposes
    global last_rise
    global last_fall
    global last_callback
    global length_of_last_high
    global length_of_last_low
    last_callback = time.time()
    if GPIO.input(17):
        print "Pin 17 is rising!"
        length_of_last_high = last_callback - last_rise
        last_rise = last_callback
        print "Pin 17 is falling!"
        length_of_last_low = last_callback - last_fall 
        last_fall = last_callback

# last passed as parameter (the preferred solution if it works).
# You test it - I can't at the moment
def get_state(last=last_rise):
    engine_state = False
    if time.time() - last < .5:
        engine_state = True
    return engine_state

# last as global variable. 
# This works too but global is bad practice if it can be avoided     
# (namespace littering)
def get_state2():
    global last_rise
    engine_state = False
    if time.time() - last_rise < .5:
        engine_state = True
    return engine_state

def main():
    while True:
        print "Not blocking! This loop could sleep forever. It wouldn't affect the readings"
        print get_state()

于 2016-04-06T00:03:56.060 回答