

我想不扭曲它。我应用 FOV 模型:

rd = 1 / ω * arctan (2 * ru * tan(ω / 2))   //Equation 13
ru = tan(rd * ω) / 2 / tan(ω / 2)           //Equation 14

如 INRIA 论文“直线必须是直的” https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00267247/document的等式 (13) 和 (14) 中所示。


Point2f distortPoint(float w, float h, float cx, float cy, float omega, Point2f input) {
    //w = width of the image
    //h = height of the image
    //cx = center of the lens in the image, aka w/2
    //cy = center of the lens in the image, aka h/2

    Point2f tmp = new Point2f();

    //We normalize the coordinates of the point
    tmp.x = input.x / w - cx / w;
    tmp.y = input.y / h - cy / h;

    //We apply the INRIA key formula (FOV model)
    double ru = sqrt(tmp.x * tmp.x + tmp.y * tmp.y);
    double rd = 1.0f / omega * atan(2.0f * ru * tan(omega / 2.0f));

    tmp.x *= rd / ru;
    tmp.y *= rd / ru;

    //We "un-normalize" the point
    Point2f ret = new Point2f();
    ret.x = (tmp.x + cx / w) * w;
    ret.y = (tmp.y + cy / h) * h;

    return ret;

然后我使用了 OpenCV 重映射函数:

//map_x and map_y are computed with distortPoint
remap(img, imgUndistorted, map_x, map_y, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(0, 0, 0));

我设法从镜头制造商那里获得了失真模型。它是一个 image_height 表,它是视场角的函数:

Field angle(deg)    Image Height (mm)
0                   0
1                   height1
2                   height2
3                   height3
89                  height89
90                  height90


我在这里找到了一篇有趣的论文:https ://www.altera.com/content/dam/altera-www/global/en_US/pdfs/literature/wp/wp-01073-flexible-architecture-fisheye-correction-automotive-rear -view-cameras.pdf



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