I've added my Skype bot (in preview mode) to my Skype account. The Skype bot seems to be properly configured, as he respons to the OnContactAddedAsync event properly by replying a pre-defined message.

However, I cannot further test the OnPersonalChatMessageReceivedAsync handler, as I'm not able to message my bot, i.e., Skype shows me the following:

Screenshot of the conversation with my bot

Is it because I'm not added to the bot's contact list? If so, how to add somebody to the bot's contact list using the Skype Bot SDK? I have not found any way to do so in the OnContactAddedAsync handler.

Is it because of some other reason?


1 回答 1


您需要(强制)将您的 Skype 客户端更新到最新版本才能使其正常工作。

  • Skype v7.21.0.100 不起作用。
  • Skype v7.21.85.100 确实有效。
  • Skype v7.22.85.107 确实有效。


于 2016-04-05T10:19:50.703 回答