It seems the format in the Reference section is a little off! Can you please show me how to format the citation to list authors' last name first?

Thanks all.

Here is the current form in the Reference section:

 C. B. Grimmond, A. Isard, and J. Belding. Development and evaluation of
     continuously weighing mini-lysimeters. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,
     62(3-4):205{218, 1992.

I use BibDesk to organize the citation database. Here is what I am using in the TeXstudio:





1 回答 1


You can try to change the Bibtex Bibliography style to 'acm' or 'apalike'


Read more about other styles: https://www.sharelatex.com/learn/Bibtex_bibliography_styles

于 2016-04-03T14:46:18.577 回答