Your data (which appeared at first glance to be Turtle, and this is how Virtuoso was parsing it) is just a list of subjects (entities) -- the unidentified a/k/a blank nodes -- with no predicates (attributes) or objects (values). This may help you visualize what I mean --
[ … ] .
This revision of your sample would work, but you may have a better statement to make about each of your unnamed subjects --
@prefix ns0: <> .
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
[ ns0:source ns1:CZ00006947 ;
ns0:target <>
] a owl:Thing .
[ ns0:source ns1:CZ00241610 ;
ns0:target <>
] a owl:Thing .
Alternatively, you could do this, without adding any statements --
@prefix ns0: <> .
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
[] ns0:source ns1:CZ00006947 ;
ns0:target <>
[] ns0:source ns1:CZ00241610 ;
ns0:target <>
As you have provided additional details -- that your data is N3, not Turtle -- it seems likely that your POST
is not properly identifying your submission as N3, which leads to Virtuoso's parsing error.