我正在使用 Facebook ComponentsKit 来生成我的视图。
我遇到的主要问题是并非所有状态更改都应该触发 UI 更新。我不明白避免这种情况的“通用”机制。
基本上,应用程序状态是一个代表“视图模型”的“大”“JSON”(解析为本机类型对象)。JSON 包含所有视图声明及其初始值。(JSON 相当复杂)
例如,一个简化的 JSON 表示包含“pager”组件和导航“next”按钮的视图层次结构:
... views ...
"pager" : {
"id" : "pager-id-xxx",
"currentPage" : 0,
"pages" : [
"navigation-next-button" : {
"id" : "navigation-next-button-id-xxxx",
"target" : "pager-id-xxx"
... views ...
// "Action" portion
@interface ChangePageAction
@property id destinationId; // very simplified action. wraps the destination "id"
@implementation ChangePageReducer
-(JSON)reduce:(JSON)initialJSON action:(ChangePageAction *)changePageAction {
// the "reduce" portion finds the node of the pager (in the JSON) and changes the value by +1
// something like:
// find the node in the JSON with the changePageAction.destinationID
Node *nodeCopy = getNodeCopy(initialJSON,changePageAction.destinationId);
replaceValue(nodeCopy,nodeCopy.currentPage + 1);
// according to FLUX doctrine we are supposed to return a new object
return jsonCopyByReplacingNode(nodeCopy); // a new JSON with the updated values
// the navigation button triggers the new state
@implementation NavigationNextButton {
id _destination; // the target of this action
FluxStore _store; // the application flux store
-(void)buttonPressed {
ChangePageAction *changePage = ...
[_store dispatch:changePage];
@implementation ViewController
-(void)newState:(JSON)newJSON {
// here all of the view is re-rendered
[self render:JSON];
//The issue is that I don't need or want to re-render for every action that is performed on the state.
// many states don't evaluate to a UI update
// how should I manage that?