以下代码模拟查找最近的对,但是当我生成大于 250 的随机对时,它会引发堆栈溢出错误。但是 250 双和任何偶数以下似乎都可以正常工作。有任何想法吗?
该错误发生在 if 语句下的 ComparePoints 的递归调用中。
public class Divide {
Point2D closest1;
Point2D closest2;
double Distance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
public Divide(Point2D[] RandArray){
SortArray s = new SortArray();
RandArray = s.SortPointsX(RandArray);
private double ComparePoints(Point2D a, Point2D b, Point2D[] s,
int CurrentPoint, int NextPoint){
if(s[CurrentPoint] != null && s[NextPoint] != null){
if (Distance > a.distance(b) &&
(a.getX() != b.getX() || a.getY() != b.getY())){
Distance = a.distance(b);
closest1 = new Point2D.Double(a.getX(), a.getY());
closest2 = new Point2D.Double(b.getX(), b.getY());
if (NextPoint == (s.length - 1)){
NextPoint = s.length - ((s.length - 1) - CurrentPoint);
if (CurrentPoint != (s.length - 1)){
if (NextPoint != (s.length - 1)){
ComparePoints(s[CurrentPoint], s[NextPoint],
s, CurrentPoint, NextPoint);
if (CurrentPoint == (s.length - 1)){
CurrentPoint = 0;
NextPoint = 0;
return Distance;
private void SplitAndConquer(Point2D[] RandArray){
double median = RandArray[RandArray.length/2].getX();
int countS1 = 0;
int countS2 = 0;
boolean exact = false;
int CurrentPoint = 0;
int NextPoint = 0;
Point2D[] s1 = new Point2D[RandArray.length/2];
Point2D[] s2 = new Point2D[RandArray.length/2];
for (int i = 0; i < RandArray.length; i++){
if (RandArray[i].getX() < median){
s1[countS1] = RandArray[i];
else if (RandArray[i].getX() > median){
s2[countS2] = RandArray[i];
else if (RandArray[i].getX() == median && exact == false){
s2[countS2] = RandArray[i];
exact = true;
else if (RandArray[i].getX() == median && exact == true) {
s1[countS1] = RandArray[i];
exact = false;
if (s1[0] != null && s1[1] != null){
Distance = ComparePoints(s1[0], s1[1], s1,
CurrentPoint, NextPoint);
Distance = ComparePoints(s2[0], s2[0], s2,
CurrentPoint, NextPoint);
("One of the subsets does not contain enough points!");
CheckMid(RandArray, Distance, median, CurrentPoint, NextPoint);
private void PrintClosest() {
System.out.println("The closest pair found using Divide "
+ "And Conquer is at ("
+ closest1.getX() + " " + closest1.getY() + "), and ("
+ closest2.getX() + " " + closest2.getY() + ")");
System.out.println("The distance between the pairs is: " + Distance);
private void CheckMid(Point2D[] randArray, double d, double m,
int current, int next) {
int MidCount = 0;
Point2D[] MidArray = new Point2D[randArray.length];
for(int i = 0; i < randArray.length; i++){
if(randArray[i].getX() > (m - d) &&
randArray[i].getX() < (m + d)){
MidArray[MidCount] = randArray[i];
if (MidArray[0] != null && MidArray[1] != null){
ComparePoints(MidArray[0], MidArray[1], MidArray,
current, next);