

for (auto cbegin = ident_map.begin(); cbegin != ident_map.end(); cbegin++) {
    outFile << left << (*cbegin).first << setw(10);
    for (set<int>::iterator setITR = (*cbegin).second.begin(); setITR != (*cbegin).second.end(); setITR++) {
        outFile << right << *setITR << setw(4);
    outFile << endl;


BinarySearchTree         4
Key          4  27
OrderedPair         1   4   8  14
T            4
erase        27
first         7  13
insert         1   4
key         27
kvpair         1   4
map_iterator         1   3   8  14
mitr         3   7   8  13  14
result         4   6   7  13
result2         8   9  14  15
second         6
t            4
value_type         1

2 回答 2



这是一个在精神上与您想要做的事情相似的玩具示例。%|30t|%|50t|格式化程序确保您的数字分别在第 30 列和第 50 列左对齐。

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/format.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::cout << "0         1         2         3         4         5         " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" << std::endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

        // Set up the format to have 3 variables with vars 2 and 3 at
        // columns 30 and 50 respectively.
        boost::format fmt("string %1%: %|30t|%2% %|50t|%3%");

        // Append values we want to print
        fmt = fmt % i;
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
            fmt = fmt % rand();

        // Write to std::cout
        std::cout << fmt << std::endl;

        // Or save as a string...
        std::string s = fmt.str();
    return 0;


$ ./a.out 
0         1         2         3         4         5         
string 0:                     16807               282475249
string 1:                     1622650073          984943658
string 2:                     1144108930          470211272
string 3:                     101027544           1457850878
string 4:                     1458777923          2007237709
string 5:                     823564440           1115438165
string 6:                     1784484492          74243042
string 7:                     114807987           1137522503
string 8:                     1441282327          16531729
string 9:                     823378840           143542612
于 2016-03-25T18:54:59.640 回答

如何尝试使用\t而不是setw(). \t是制表符特殊字符。这将为您的格式带来奇迹,因为您只需计算出每行第一个位置的制表符数量,然后它就像遵循您想要的格式一样简单,效果很好,因为制表符是统一的大小

于 2016-03-25T18:08:30.933 回答