多年来,我们一直在为我们的 Intranet 使用 Yahoo 天气提要,没有出现任何问题。今天,它停止工作了。我确定如果我们传递邮政编码,它将不再返回结果。因此,对查询稍作修改,现在我们发送 WOEID,雅虎再次感到高兴。

但是……在这之前,我们能够看到接下来 5 天的天气,这很好。现在,雅虎正在返回一个 10 天的预报,这会导致页面上的天气面板更大/更长。我想回到5天甚至7天。我已经尝试了基于其他 YQL 查询的各种事情,例如将 LIMIT 5 添加到查询的末尾,不好。在表名之后添加 (5),就像他们对其他一些查询所做的那样,但这不起作用。

不能限制退货天数吗?或者我是否必须返回所有 10 天,然后在循环显示结果时限制我显示的内容?

我们正在使用不再支持的 Zazar 的 jquery.zWeatherFeed 插件:

 * Plugin: jquery.zWeatherFeed
 * Version: 1.2.1
 * (c) Copyright 2011-2013, Zazar Ltd
 * Description: jQuery plugin for display of Yahoo! Weather feeds
 * History:
 * 1.2.1 - Handle invalid locations
 * 1.2.0 - Added forecast data option
 * 1.1.0 - Added user callback function
 *         New option to use WOEID identifiers
 *         New day/night CSS class for feed items
 *         Updated full forecast link to feed link location
 * 1.0.3 - Changed full forecast link to Weather Channel due to invalid Yahoo! link
       Add 'linktarget' option for forecast link
 * 1.0.2 - Correction to options / link
 * 1.0.1 - Added hourly caching to YQL to avoid rate limits
 *         Uses Weather Channel location ID and not Yahoo WOEID
 *         Displays day or night background images


    $.fn.weatherfeed = function(locations, options, fn) {   

        // Set plugin defaults
        var defaults = {
            unit: 'c',
            image: true,
            country: false,
            highlow: true,
            wind: true,
            humidity: false,
            visibility: false,
            sunrise: false,
            sunset: false,
            forecast: false,
            link: true,
            showerror: true,
            linktarget: '_self',
            //woeid: true,
            refresh: 30
        var options = $.extend(defaults, options); 
        var row = 'odd';

        // Functions
        return this.each(function(i, e) {
            var $e = $(e);

            // Add feed class to user div
            if (!$e.hasClass('weatherFeed')) $e.addClass('weatherFeed');

            // Check and append locations
            if (!$.isArray(locations)) return false;

            var count = locations.length;
            if (count > 10) count = 10;

            var locationid = '';

            for (var i=0; i<count; i++) {
                if (locationid != '') locationid += ',';
                locationid += "'"+ locations[i] + "'";

            // Cache results for an hour to prevent overuse
            now = new Date();

            // Select location ID type
            //var queryType = options.woeid ? 'woeid' : 'location';

            // Create Yahoo Weather feed API address
            var query = "select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text=" + locationid + ")";
            var api = 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q='+ encodeURIComponent(query) +'&rnd='+ now.getFullYear() + now.getMonth() + now.getDay() + now.getHours() +'&format=json&callback=?';

            // Request feed data
            sendRequest(query, api, options);

            if (options.refresh > 0) {

                // Set timer interval for scrolling     
                var interval = setInterval(function(){ sendRequest(query, api, options); }, options.refresh * 60000);

            // Function to gather new weather data
            function sendRequest(query, api, options) {

                // Reset odd and even classes
                row = 'odd';

                // Clear user div

                    type: 'GET',
                    url: api,
                    dataType: 'json',
                    success: function(data) {

                        if (data.query) {

                            if (data.query.results.channel.length > 0 ) {

                                // Multiple locations
                                var result = data.query.results.channel.length;
                                for (var i=0; i<result; i++) {

                                    // Create weather feed item
                                    _process(e, data.query.results.channel[i], options);
                            } else {

                                // Single location only
                                _process(e, data.query.results.channel, options);

                            // Optional user callback function
                            if ($.isFunction(fn)) fn.call(this,$e);

                        } else {
                            if (options.showerror) $e.html('<p>Weather information unavailable</p>');
                    error: function(data) {
                        if (options.showerror) $e.html('<p>Weather request failed</p>');

            // Function to each feed item
            var _process = function(e, feed, options) {
                var $e = $(e);

                // Check for invalid location
                if (feed.description != 'Yahoo! Weather Error') {

                    // Format feed items
                    var wd = feed.wind.direction;
                    if (wd>=348.75&&wd<=360){wd="N"};if(wd>=0&&wd<11.25){wd="N"};if(wd>=11.25&&wd<33.75){wd="NNE"};if(wd>=33.75&&wd<56.25){wd="NE"};if(wd>=56.25&&wd<78.75){wd="ENE"};if(wd>=78.75&&wd<101.25){wd="E"};if(wd>=101.25&&wd<123.75){wd="ESE"};if(wd>=123.75&&wd<146.25){wd="SE"};if(wd>=146.25&&wd<168.75){wd="SSE"};if(wd>=168.75&&wd<191.25){wd="S"};if(wd>=191.25 && wd<213.75){wd="SSW"};if(wd>=213.75&&wd<236.25){wd="SW"};if(wd>=236.25&&wd<258.75){wd="WSW"};if(wd>=258.75 && wd<281.25){wd="W"};if(wd>=281.25&&wd<303.75){wd="WNW"};if(wd>=303.75&&wd<326.25){wd="NW"};if(wd>=326.25&&wd<348.75){wd="NNW"};
                    var wf = feed.item.forecast[0];

                    // Determine day or night image
                    wpd = feed.item.pubDate;
                    n = wpd.indexOf(":");
                    tpb = _getTimeAsDate(wpd.substr(n-2,8));
                    tsr = _getTimeAsDate(feed.astronomy.sunrise);
                    tss = _getTimeAsDate(feed.astronomy.sunset);

                    // Get night or day
                    if (tpb>tsr && tpb<tss) { daynight = 'day'; } else { daynight = 'night'; }

                    // Add item container
                    var html = '<div class="weatherItem '+ row +' '+ daynight +'"';
                    if (options.image) html += ' style="background-image: url(http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/nws/weather/gr/'+ feed.item.condition.code + daynight.substring(0,1) +'.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;"';
                    html += '>';

                    // Add item data
                    html += '<div class="weatherTemp">'+ feed.item.condition.temp +'&deg;</div>';
                    html += '<div class="weatherDesc">'+ feed.item.condition.text +'</div>';

                    // Add optional data
                    html += '<br style="clear:both;">';
                    if (options.highlow) html += '<div class="weatherRange">High: '+ wf.high +'&deg; &nbsp; Low: '+ wf.low +'&deg;</div>';
                    if (options.wind) html += '<div class="weatherWind">Wind: '+ wd +' '+ feed.wind.speed + feed.units.speed +'</div>';
                    if (options.humidity) html += '<div class="weatherHumidity">Humidity: '+ feed.atmosphere.humidity +'%</div>';
                    if (options.visibility) html += '<div class="weatherVisibility">Visibility: '+ feed.atmosphere.visibility +'</div>';
                    if (options.sunrise) html += '<div class="weatherSunrise">Sunrise: '+ feed.astronomy.sunrise + '  &nbsp;  Sunset: '+ feed.astronomy.sunset +'</div>';

                    // Add item forecast data
                    if (options.forecast) {

                        html += '<div class="weatherForecast">';

                        var wfi = feed.item.forecast;

                        for (var i=0; i<wfi.length; i++) {
                            html += '<div class="weatherForecastItem" style="background-image: url(http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/nws/weather/gr/'+ wfi[i].code +'s.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;">';
                            html += '<div class="weatherForecastDay">'+ _getDateAsString(wfi[i].date) +'</div>';
                            html += '<div class="weatherForecastText">'+ wfi[i].text +'</div>';
                            html += '<div class="weatherForecastRange">High: '+ wfi[i].high +'&deg; &nbsp; Low: '+ wfi[i].low +'&deg;</div>';
                            html += '</div>'

                        html += '</div>'

                    if (options.link) html += '<div class="weatherLink"><a href="'+ feed.link +'" target="'+ options.linktarget +'" title="Read full forecast">View complete forecast</a></div>';

                } else {
                    var html = '<div class="weatherItem '+ row +'">';
                    html += '<div class="weatherError">City not found</div>';

                html += '</div>';

                // Alternate row classes
                if (row == 'odd') { row = 'even'; } else { row = 'odd'; }


            // Get time string as date
            var _getTimeAsDate = function(t) {
                d = new Date();
                r = new Date(d.toDateString() +' '+ t);

                return r;

            // Get date as full string
            var _getDateAsString = function(d) {
                var dayNames = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
                var monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
                var orgDate = new Date(d);

                var dateAsString = dayNames[orgDate.getDay()] + ", " + monthNames[orgDate.getMonth()] + " " + orgDate.getDate() + ", " + orgDate.getFullYear();

                return dateAsString;



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