Preface: I'm a rails developer that is familiar enough with Javascript to write basic things but my overall understanding of the frameworks in question react + react-redux + redux-form may be insufficient. I'm still working on that.
Task to Accomplish: I'm trying to implement a multiple page form using redux-form. I have the multiple page form working. I now need to post all three pages of the wizard's values in one XHR request.
The Problem: I'm following the example of the multipage Wizard form in the redux-form documentation:
However, I don't seem to understand where an XHR request should be handled. This may be a fundamental misunderstanding of react and react-redux. I see they have an onSubmit function passed to each wizard page from WizardForm.js parent component, but I don't think I understand where WizardForm.js is getting that onSubmit function nor what the shape of that function would be if the goal is to accomplish an XHR PUT request on WizardFormThirdPage.js.
Also, though the goal of the form submission isn't (yet) to change any of the redux store's state, would it be rational to make an action that does the XHR when something is dispatched like 'SUBMIT_FORM'?