我已经在宏编辑器内置的 Catia V5 中编写了一些宏,但我不知道如何从 Excel 访问 Catia 命令。

我想知道如何通过仅在 excel 文件圆柱体的半径和长度中创建一个简单的直圆柱体。

我想在 Catia 中制作不同的压力容器,方法是在 Excel 中输入它们的直径和高度,然后单击该 Excel 表中的按钮后,容器应该出现在 Catia 中。如果我已经需要在 Catia 中打开一个空的部分,我没有问题,但最好只打开 Catia,其中没有加载任何内容。

如果我有开始,看看如何从 Excel 访问 Catia 方法,我想我可以找出完成容器所需的其余方法,如颈部、帽等。


编辑:我设法测试了一些东西,我遇到了一个问题,我不知道如何在 Excel vba 中设置约束。我将代码从 Catia vb 移到 Visual Express 并设法让它在那里工作,但在 excel 中我没有找到关于如何使用驱动尺寸的链接。


Sub Main()

    Dim CATIA As Object
    Set CATIA = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")

    Set openDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument

    Set currentPart = openDocument.Part

    Set currentHybridBodies = currentPart.HybridBodies

    Set currentHybridBody = currentHybridBodies.Add()

    Set referenceHybridBody = currentPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(currentHybridBody)

    currentPart.HybridShapeFactory.ChangeFeatureName referenceHybridBody, "GeometricalSet"

    Set partOriginElements = currentPart.OriginElements

    Set plnYZ = currentPart.OriginElements.PlaneYZ

    Set currentGeometricalSet = currentPart.HybridShapeFactory

    Dim currentOffset As Integer
    Dim circleDiameter As Integer
    Dim cylinderLength As Integer

    currentOffset = 0

    circleDiameter = Range("B2").Value

    cylinderLength = Range("B3").Value

    Call CreateCylinder(0, 0, circleDiameter, cylinderLength, currentOffset)


    currentOffset = currentOffset + cylinderLength

    circleDiameter = Range("B5").Value

    cylinderLength = Range("B6").Value

    Call CreateCylinder(0, 0, circleDiameter, cylinderLength, currentOffset)


    currentOffset = currentOffset + cylinderLength

    circleDiameter = Range("B8").Value

    cylinderLength = Range("B9").Value

    Call CreateCylinder(0, 0, circleDiameter, cylinderLength, currentOffset)


    currentOffset = currentOffset + cylinderLength


End Sub

Sub CreateCylinder(iCenterX, iCenterY, iDiameter, iLength, iPlaneOffset)

    Set CATIA = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")
    Set openDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument
    Set currentPart = openDocument.Part
    Set plnYZ = currentPart.OriginElements.PlaneYZ
    Set currentGeometricalSet = currentPart.HybridShapeFactory

    Set planeOffset1 = currentGeometricalSet.AddNewPlaneOffset(plnYZ, iPlaneOffset, False)

    Set currentHybridBody = currentPart.HybridBodies.Item("GeometricalSet")

    currentHybridBody.AppendHybridShape (planeOffset1)


    Set currentBodies = currentPart.Bodies

    Set currentBody = currentBodies.Add()

    Set currentSketch = currentBody.Sketches.Add(planeOffset1)

    Dim Factory2D As Object

    Set Factory2D = currentSketch.OpenEdition

    Set geometricElements1 = currentSketch.GeometricElements

    Dim axis2D1 As Object

    Set axis2D1 = geometricElements1.Item("AbsoluteAxis")

    Dim line2D1 As Object

    Set line2D1 = axis2D1.GetItem("HDirection")

    Dim line2D2 As Object

    Set line2D2 = axis2D1.GetItem("VDirection")

    Set currentCircle = Factory2D.CreateClosedCircle(iCenterX, iCenterY, iDiameter / 2)

    Dim point2D1 As Object

    Set point2D1 = axis2D1.GetItem("Origin")

    Dim constraints1 As Object

    Set constraints1 = currentSketch.Constraints

    Dim reference2 As Object

    Set reference2 = currentPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(currentCircle)

    Dim constraint1 As Object

    Set constraint1 = constraints1.AddMonoEltCst(catCstTypeRadius, reference2)

    Dim catCstModeDrivingDimensions As Object

    'Set constraint1.Mode = catCstModeDrivingDimensions  'Here I get the error

    Dim iRadius As Double

    iRadius = iDiameter / 2       

    currentCircle.CenterPoint = point2D1


    Dim newPad As Object

    Set newPad = currentPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewPad(currentSketch, iLength)

End Sub

在该注释行上,我收到错误 438:对象不支持此属性或方法。


该代码在 Visual Express 中运行良好,并将所有约束放在应有的位置。

谁能告诉我如何将该 Catia 命令链接到 excel vb。

这是来自 v5 自动化文档:

枚举 CatConstraintMode { catCstModeDrivingDimension, catCstModeDrivenDimension }




编辑:我似乎被允许导入的唯一参考是这些: 参考

如果我选择其他人,我会收到错误:加载 DLL 时出错。Catia 安装在服务器上,但我可以使用浏览指向它...我仍然不确定在那里选择什么,因为有很多文件。


1 回答 1


这是创建螺栓的代码。将代码粘贴到 Excel 中的模块中,并为宏分配一个按钮。

Sub Button1_Click()
  Dim CATIA As Object
  'Get CATIA or Launch it if necessary.
  On Error Resume Next
  Set CATIA = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")
  If CATIA Is Nothing Then
     Set CATIA = CreateObject("CATIA.Application")
    CATIA.Visible = True
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0
  ' Add a new Part
  Set MyDocument = CATIA.documents.Add("Part")
  Set PartFactory = MyDocument.part.ShapeFactory  ' Retrieve the Part Factory.
  Set MyBody1 = MyDocument.part.Bodies.Item("PartBody")
  CATIA.ActiveDocument.part.InWorkObject = MyBody1 ' Activate "PartDesign"
' Creating the Shaft
  Set ReferencePlane1 = MyDocument.part.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(MyDocument.part.OriginElements.PlaneYZ)
  ' Create the sketch1 on ReferencePlane1
  Set Sketch1 = MyBody1.Sketches.Add(ReferencePlane1)
  Set MyFactory1 = Sketch1.OpenEdition() ' Define the sketch

  h1 = Range("E6").Value ' height of the bolt
  h2 = Range("E7").Value ' total height
  r1 = Range("E8").Value ' external radius
  r2 = Range("E9").Value ' Internal radius
  s1 = Range("E10").Value ' Size of the chamfer
  Set l101 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(0, 0, r1 - 20, 0)
  Set l102 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(r1 - 20, 0, r1, -20)
  Set l103 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(r1, -20, r1, -h1 + 20)
  Set l104 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(r1, -h1 + 20, r1 - 20, -h1)
  Set l105 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(r1 - 20, -h1, r2, -h1)
  Set l106 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(r2, -h1, r2, -h2 + s1)
  Set l107 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(r2, -h2 + s1, r2 - s1, -h2)
  Set l108 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(r2 - s1, -h2, 0, -h2)
  Set l109 = MyFactory1.CreateLine(0, -h2, 0, 0)
  Sketch1.CenterLine = l109
  Set AxisPad1 = PartFactory.AddNewShaft(Sketch1)
' Creating the Pocket
  Set ReferencePlane2 = MyDocument.part.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(MyDocument.part.OriginElements.PlaneXY)
  ' Create the sketch2 on ReferencePlane2
  Set Sketch2 = MyBody1.Sketches.Add(ReferencePlane2)
  Set MyFactory2 = Sketch2.OpenEdition() ' Define the sketch
  D = 1 / 0.866
  Set l201 = MyFactory2.CreateLine(D * 100, 0, D * 50, D * 86.6)
  Set l202 = MyFactory2.CreateLine(D * 50, D * 86.6, D * -50, D * 86.6)
  Set l203 = MyFactory2.CreateLine(D * -50, D * 86.6, D * -100, 0)
  Set l204 = MyFactory2.CreateLine(D * -100, 0, D * -50, D * -86.6)
  Set l205 = MyFactory2.CreateLine(D * -50, D * -86.6, D * 50, D * -86.6)
  Set l206 = MyFactory2.CreateLine(D * 50, D * -86.6, D * 100, 0)

  ' Create a big circle around the form to get a Hole
  Set c2 = MyFactory2.CreateClosedCircle(0, 0, 300)
  Set AxisHole2 = PartFactory.AddNewPocket(Sketch2, h1)

End Sub



于 2016-03-26T20:28:15.247 回答