Dim code As String = "IIf(1 = 2, True, False)"
正如@ElektroStudios 所说 - 正确的方法是使用CodeDom 编译器,但这对于像这样简单的事情来说有点矫枉过正。
你可以作弊并利用DataColumn Expression
Dim formula = "IIF(Condition = 'Yes', 'Go', 'Stop')"
Dim value As String = "Yes"
Dim result As String
'add a columns to hold the value
Dim colStatus As New DataColumn
With colStatus
.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
.ColumnName = "Condition"
End With
'add a column to compute the expression
Dim colExp As New DataColumn
With colExp
.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
.ColumnName = "Expression"
.Expression = formula
End With
'create a table and add the columns
Dim dt As New DataTable
With dt.Columns
End With
'now add a row and set the condition to the value we have
Dim row As DataRow = dt.NewRow
row.SetField(Of String)("Condition", value)
'now read back the computed value based on the expression being evaluated
result = row.Field(Of String)("Expression")
Public Function EvaluateExpression(Of T, K)(input As T, formula As String) As K
'add a columns to hold the value
Dim colStatus As New DataColumn
With colStatus
.DataType = GetType(T)
.ColumnName = "Condition"
End With
'add a column to compute the expression
Dim colExp As New DataColumn
With colExp
.DataType = GetType(K)
.ColumnName = "Expression"
.Expression = formula
End With
'create a table and add the columns
Dim dt As New DataTable
With dt.Columns
End With
'now add a row and set the condition to the value we have
Dim row As DataRow = dt.NewRow
row.SetField(Of T)("Condition", input)
'now read back the computed value based on the expression being evaluated
Return row.Field(Of K)("Expression")
End Function
Dim result = EvaluateExpression(Of Integer, Boolean)(1, "IIF(Condition = 1, True, False)")