我正在使用斯坦福 POS Tagger 来训练语料库。我准备了设置文件“Prop”并格式化数据并开始训练。
之后,我开始收到诸如“Lambda Too Big”之类的消息,并且这些消息一直出现,直到培训结束。之后我尝试了该模型并一直给我一个“内存不足异常”。我在具有超过 40gb RAM 的 HPC 上厌倦了模型,并增加了 java 的堆空间以使用 25gb,但同样的问题仍然存在。
我使用的语料库大约有 6000 个句子,一个句子中的最小单词数是 3,最大是 128 个单词。一个单词可以同时具有三个标签,例如 {p1}{p2}。
pcond initialized
zlambda initialized
ftildeArr initialized
QNMinimizer called on double function of 337720 variables, using M = 10.
Iter. 0: neg. log cond. likelihood = 821394.2976644086 [1 calls to valueAt]
An explanation of the output:
Iter The number of iterations
evals The number of function evaluations
SCALING <D> Diagonal scaling was used; <I> Scaled Identity
LINESEARCH [## M steplength] Minpack linesearch
1-Function value was too high
2-Value ok, gradient positive, positive curvature
3-Value ok, gradient negative, positive curvature
4-Value ok, gradient negative, negative curvature
[.. B] Backtracking
VALUE The current function value
TIME Total elapsed time
|GNORM| The current norm of the gradient
{RELNORM} The ratio of the current to initial gradient norms
AVEIMPROVE The average improvement / current value
EVALSCORE The last available eval score
Iter 1 evals 1 <D> [lambda 5525 too big: 623.532051211901
lambda 28341 too big: 623.5660256059567
lambda 153849 too big: 623.5660256059567
此外,这里是 prop 文件中使用的设置:
## tagger training invoked at Thu Mar 03 01:31:10 AST 2016 with arguments:
model = arabic.New.tagger
arch = words(-2,2),order(1),prefix(6),suffix(6),unicodeshapes(1)
wordFunction =
trainFile = format=TSV,Train.txt
closedClassTags =
closedClassTagThreshold = 40
curWordMinFeatureThresh = 1
debug = false
debugPrefix =
tagSeparator = /
encoding = UTF-8
iterations = 100
lang = arabic
learnClosedClassTags = false
minFeatureThresh = 3
openClassTags =
rareWordMinFeatureThresh = 3
rareWordThresh = 5
search = qn
sgml = false
sigmaSquared = 0.0
regL1 = 0.75
tagInside =
tokenize = false
tokenizerFactory = edu.stanford.nlp.process.WhitespaceTokenizer
tokenizerOptions =
verbose = false
verboseResults = true
veryCommonWordThresh = 250
xmlInput =
outputFile =
outputFormat = slashTags
outputFormatOptions =
nthreads = 1