我刚刚下载了最新版本的ArrayFire (3.3.1),并正在尝试构建它。我被困在cmake .了。我安装了一堆丢失的库,重新运行它,现在我得到了:

-- Could NOT find LAPACK (missing:  LAPACK_LIBRARIES) 
CMake Warning at src/backend/opencl/CMakeLists.txt:38 (MESSAGE):
  LAPACK not found.  Functionality will be disabled

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
    linked by target "afcpu" in directory /home/joeuser/src/arrayfire-full-3.3.1/src/backend/cpu
    linked by target "afcuda" in directory /home/joeuser/src/arrayfire-full-3.3.1/src/backend/cuda
    linked by target "afopencl" in directory /home/joeuser/src/arrayfire-full-3.3.1/src/backend/opencl

我已经安装了 lapack,它位于 /usr/lib/liblapack.so (这是一个替代符号链接,但它没有损坏)。还安装了 lapacke。


1 回答 1


ArrayFire 需要 LAPACKE 库(在 Ubuntu 上为 liblapacke-dev,而图形部分需要 GLEW-MX(在 Ubuntu 上为 libglewmx-dev)。

于 2016-03-24T16:51:11.437 回答