TL;DR: I need to "replay" dead letter messages back into their original queues once I've fixed the consumer code that was originally causing the messages to be rejected.

I have configured the Dead Letter Exchange (DLX) for RabbitMQ and am successfully routing rejected messages to a dead letter queue. But now I want to look at the messages in the dead letter queue and try to decide what to do with each of them. Some (many?) of these messages should be replayed (requeued) to their original queues (available in the "x-death" headers) once the offending consumer code has been fixed. But how do I actually go about doing this? Should I write a one-off program that reads messages from the dead letter queue and allows me to specify a target queue to send them to? And what about searching the dead letter queue? What if I know that a message (let's say which is encoded in JSON) has a certain attribute that I want to search for and replay? For example, I fix a defect which I know will allow message with PacketId: 1234 to successfully process now. I could also write a one-off program for this I suppose.

I certainly can't be the first one to encounter these problems and I'm wondering if anyone else has already solved them. It seems like there should be some sort of Swiss Army Knife for this sort of thing. I did a pretty extensive search on Google and Stack Overflow but didn't really come up with much. The closest thing I could find were shovels but that doesn't really seem like the right tool for the job.


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  • 您需要搜索消息,这是不可能的 RMQ
  • 这意味着您需要一个数据库来存储来自 DLX/队列的消息

因为您要从 DLX/队列中提取消息,所以您需要确保从消息中获取所有标头信息,以便在时机成熟时可以重新发布到正确的队列。




一些较大的“服务总线”实现内置了这种类型的功能。例如,我相信 NServiceBus(或它的 SaaS 版本)已经内置了这个功能——尽管我不是 100% 确定它。

如果您想进一步研究,请搜索“毒消息”一词 - 这通常是用于这种情况的术语。我通过快速搜索在谷歌上找到了一些东西,这可能会帮助你走上这条路:


于 2016-03-23T20:13:27.560 回答