我在向 jss 模板添加引用时遇到问题。我使用 elsevier 模板没有问题。我还尝试将@reference 更改为 \cite{references} 或 \citep{references} 但一个?符号出现在引用的位置。我觉得我没有以正确的方式指向 .bib 文件。知道我做错了什么吗?


  - name: Derek Corcoran
    affiliation: University of Missouri
    address: >
    First line
    Second line
email: corcoranbarriosd@missouri.edu
url: http://rstudio.com

formatted: "Selecting priority areas from diversity and individual species abundance \\pkg{DiversityOccupancy}"
short:     "\\pkg{DiversityOccupancy}: Selecting Priority Areas"
abstract: >
Lately occupancy modeling has been vastly used as a tool for ecological research and management planing. However mostly it is used by interpreting single species models. We present the \pkg{DiversityOccupancy} in the \proglang{R} environment. The objective of this package is to simultaneously model factors associated with occupancy and abundance of individual species using a detection history file, and to use predicted abundances to calculate species diversity for each sampling site. The package then models factor(s) associated with among-site species diversity, which can then be combined with spatial data to identify areas that contain both high abundance of species of conservation concern and high species diversity.
# at least one keyword must be supplied
formatted: [ "\\pkg{DiversityOccupancy}", Occupancy Modeling, "\\proglang{R}"]
plain:     [keywords, not capitalized, Occupancy modeling]
preamble: >
    citation_package: natbib
bibliography: Derek.bib

# Introduction

In the last decade, Occupancy modeling has been used more and more as a 
method to account for how species respond to environmental or anthropogenic 
factors. It has also been shown to be useful as a species distribution 
modeling tool when species have imperfect detection 

在我的 .bib 文件中,论文的格式如下:

    title = {Estimating site occupancy rates when detection probabilities are less than one},
    volume = {83},
    url = {http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/0012-9658(2002)083%5B2248:ESORWD%5D2.0.CO%3B2},
    number = {8},
    urldate = {2016-01-13},
    journal = {Ecology},
    author = {MacKenzie, Darryl I. and Nichols, James D. and Lachman, Gideon B. and Droege, Sam and Andrew Royle, J. and Langtimm, Catherine A.},
    year = {2002},
    pages = {2248--2255},
    file = {[PDF] de uvm.edu:/home/derek/.zotero/zotero/b7w3ygs6.default/zotero/storage/HSJAQTQG/MacKenzie et al. - 2002 - Estimating site occupancy rates when detection pro.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/derek/.zotero/zotero/b7w3ygs6.default/zotero/storage/G45M4BNP/abstract.html:text/html}

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