CREATE TYPE deposit_ty as object(
depNo number,
depCategory ref depcategory_ty,
amount number,
period number
此“depCategory”引用另一个名为“depcategory_tbl”的表中的 depcategory_ty。
CREATE TYPE deposit_ntty as table of depcategory_ty
CREATE TYPE address_ty as varray(3) of varchar2(20)
CREATE TYPE customer_ty as object(
custId varchar2(4),
custName varchar2(10),
address address_ty,
dob date,
deposits deposit_ntty
CREATE TABLE customer_tbl of customer_ty(
custId primary key)
nested table deposits store as cli_deposit_tbl
alter table cli_deposit_tbl
add scope for (depCategory) is depcategory_tbl
add scope for (depCategory) is depcategory_tbl
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-0094:"DEPCATEGORY":Inavalid Identifier