我有以下 3 个表:

jediId INT NOT null,
name nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
jediRank nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
fromDate Date NOT NULL,
toDate Date NOT NULL

INSERT INTO Jedi(jediId, name, jediRank, fromdate, todate)
SELECT 666 jediId, 'A.Skywalker' name, 'padawan' jediRank, '1990-01-01' fromDate, '1999-12-31' toDate Union
SELECT 666 jediId, 'A.Skywalker' name, 'Jedi Knight' jediRank, '2000-01-01' fromDate, '2005-06-17' toDate Union
SELECT 666 jediId, 'A.Skywalker' name, 'Jedi Master' jediRank, '2005-06-18' fromDate, '2005-09-28' toDate Union
SELECT 666 jediId, 'D.Vader' name, 'Sith Apprentice' jediRank, '2005-09-29' fromDate, '9999-12-31' toDate  
ORDER BY jediId, fromdate, todate

CREATE TABLE lightsaberColors (
jediId int, 
lightsaberColor nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
fromDate Date NOT NULL,
toDate Date NOT NULL

INSERT INTO lightsaberColors(jediId, lightsaberColor, fromdate, todate)
SELECT 666, 'blue' color, '1990-01-01' fromdate, '1992-01-01' todate UNION
SELECT 666, 'green' color, '1992-01-02' fromdate, '1992-04-15' todate UNION
SELECT 666, 'blue' color, '1992-04-16' fromdate, '2005-09-30' todate UNION
SELECT 666, 'red' color, '2005-10-01' fromdate, '9999-12-31' todate
ORDER BY fromdate, todate

CREATE TABLE mechanicalbodyparts (
jediId int, 
mechanicalBodyPart nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
fromDate Date NOT NULL,
toDate Date NOT NULL
INSERT INTO mechanicalbodyparts(jediId, mechanicalBodyPart,fromDate, toDate)
SELECT 666, 'N/A' mechanicalBodyPart, '1990-01-01' fromdate, '1998-05-13' todate UNION
SELECT 666, 'hand and arm' mechanicalBodyPart, '1998-05-14' fromdate, '2005-09-29' todate UNION
SELECT 666, 'pretty much everything' mechanicalBodyPart, '2005-09-30' fromdate, '9999-12-31' todate
ORDER BY fromdate, todate

 SELECT * From jedi ORDER BY fromdate
 SELECT * From lightsaberColors ORDER BY fromdate
 SELECT * From mechanicalbodyparts ORDER BY fromdate



CREATE TABLE JediTimeline(
jediId Int NOT null,
fromDate date NOT null,
toDate date NOT NULL,
name nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
jediRank nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, 
mechanicalBodyPart nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
lightsaberColor nvarchar(100) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO JediTimeline (jediId, fromDate, toDate, name, jediRank, mechanicalBodyPart, lightsaberColor)
Select 666, '1990-01-01', '1992-01-01', 'A.Skywalker', 'padawan', 'N/A', 'blue' Union
Select 666, '1992-01-02', '1992-04-15', 'A.Skywalker', 'padawan', 'N/A', 'green' Union
Select 666, '1992-04-16', '1998-05-13', 'A.Skywalker', 'padawan', 'N/A', 'blue' Union
Select 666, '1998-05-14', '1999-12-31', 'A.Skywalker', 'padawan', 'hand and arm', 'blue' Union
Select 666, '2000-01-01', '2005-06-17', 'A.Skywalker', 'Jedi Knight', 'hand and arm', 'blue' Union
Select 666, '2005-06-18', '2005-09-28', 'A.Skywalker', 'Jedi Master', 'hand and arm', 'blue' Union
Select 666, '2005-09-29', '2005-09-29', 'D.Vader', 'Sith Apprentice', 'hand and arm', 'blue' Union
Select 666, '2005-09-30', '2005-09-30', 'D.Vader', 'Sith Apprentice', 'pretty much everything', 'blue' Union
Select 666, '2005-10-01', '9999-12-31', 'D.Vader', 'Sith Apprentice', 'pretty much everything', 'red'  
ORDER BY 1,2,3

FROM JediTimeline


我正在使用 SQL Server 2012。



1 回答 1


如果您运行and方案,而不是and (在 fromDate 和 toDate 上) ,DATEADD则可以避免所有s。>=<>=<=

    UniqueCutoffDates as (
        select distinct fromDate as cutoff, jediId from Jedi union
        select distinct fromDate,           jediId from lightsaberColors union
        select distinct fromDate,           jediId from mechanicalbodyparts union

        select distinct DATEADD(d,1,toDate), jediId from Jedi                where toDate <> '9999-12-31' union
        select distinct DATEADD(d,1,toDate), jediId from lightsaberColors    where toDate <> '9999-12-31' union
        select distinct DATEADD(d,1,toDate), jediId from mechanicalbodyparts where toDate <> '9999-12-31'

    dates.cutoff as fromDate,
    DATEADD(d,-1,LEAD(dates.cutoff,1,'9999-12-31') OVER (partition by jedi.jediId order by dates.cutoff)) as toDate,
    UniqueCutoffDates dates
    inner join Jedi on
        jedi.fromDate <= dates.cutoff and
        Jedi.toDate > DATEADD(d,-1,dates.cutoff) and
        jedi.jediId = dates.jediId
    inner join lightsaberColors colors on
        colors.fromDate <= dates.cutoff and
        colors.toDate > DATEADD(d,-1,dates.cutoff) and
        colors.jediId = jedi.jediId
    inner join mechanicalbodyparts body on
        body.fromDate <= dates.cutoff and
        body.toDate > DATEADD(d,-1,dates.cutoff) and
        body.jediId = jedi.jediId
于 2016-03-22T15:09:38.420 回答